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I don't wanna give it away, but I think, as you read along, you'll be like "... ooooOOH!" heh heh!

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A ten year old girl sat on the steps of her porch as she awaited for more scoldings from her mother. She watched her mother's Pokémon play and relax on the front yard. She remembered taking the Heliolisk to show off to her friends at school, but mom really got mad after finding out. 'She's always yelling at me...' The girl sighed, tracing circles on the sand that had managed to gather between each step.

She picked up the sound of footsteps making their way outside. Craning her head, she was relieved to see it was only her father – he had always been easygoing with her as compared to her mother. "Hey, Selene." He smiled kindly and took a seat beside her. Those two words always meant that he wanted to talk about something that his wife had told him, about their child.

"Dad..." Selene brought her gaze to the ground. The wind picked up and tousled their hair, both sharing the same color – black; the child inherited her mother's blue eyes, only a shade darker. Her parents' friends always mentioned how she was a mix of them both.

"Your mom mentioned that you've been bullying that Pokémon at school again." The man brought up. "Care to explain why?" It was hard to ignore that stern tone somewhere in his voice.

"I don't bully him! I'm only playing!" She shot him a glare, which faltered as quickly as it came. Her father always had this kind aura to him so she found it difficult to snap or to shout at him.

"I see..." He obviously doubted her words, but he was only informed that she pulled at the Rowlet's tail and would rudely pick him up and run around with him, pretending he was an airplane. "Honey... Pokémon have feelings too, just like us. Think about how you would feel if someone pulled your hair constantly."

Selene abruptly stood up and leaped off the short steps. "Don't talk to me like I'm five!" She snapped, surprising her father. The girl did feel bad afterwards.

"We wouldn't need to talk to you like you're five if you only stopped acting like you are!" Came her mother's sharp tone. A blonde woman in her late twenties stood by the doorway with narrowed eyes. The woman could be quite intimidating when she was angry. Selene boldly put on a glare again. "If you're going to treat that poor Rowlet like that, then I should just take you out of that school!"

'Sh-She's bluffing!' The small ravenhead really loved the trainer's school. Everyday they learned something exciting, and she was the third student who received the best grades possible. She just wasn't good with Pokémon themselves, mainly Rowlet – one of the Pokémon that is kept at the school for the class on Type Advantages. Not letting it show that the threat affected her, Selene snorted. "Do it! I don't care." She turned on her heel and headed off to school, as it was supposed to start in a bit. She was too proud and angry to turn back and get her backpack.

"I am NOT done talking to you, Selene!" The blonde growled, but her daughter had already disappeared. "Damn it! She's so- URGH!" She gripped the fabric of her sundress, it being the only thing she was willing to take her anger out on.

"Seri." Her husband stood to place a reassuring arm around her. "It's going to be fine." The blonde shot him a glare. "Wh-What did I do?" He stepped back in fear.

"Oh, I don't know, do the words "Serena, let's have a child" ring a bell to you, Calem?" Serena snapped then crossed her arms.

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