Team Flare

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Matsu (Frogadier) Lv. 29-- Pound, Water Pulse, Bubble, Quick Attack

Sakura (Pidgeotto) Lv. 26-- Tackle, Twister, Gust, Quick Attack

Kaen (Litleo) Lv. 26-- Tackle, Headbutt, Ember. Fire Fang

Fushigi (Ivysaur) Lv. 24-- Tackle, Razor Leaf, Take Down, Vine Whip


It suddenly started to rain once Serena walked out of Connecting Cave. At first she was walking through the cave to get to Cyllage City but accidentally walked into a giant boulder keeping her from continuing. So, Serena decided to head toward Ambrette Town like Calem did. The blonde also met with Sina and Dexio, they powered up her Pokedex so it records and shows Coastal Kalos Pokemon. Sakura flew beside Serena as the girl carefully walked down the slippery steps of Ambrette Town. Unfortunately, Serena slipped, but she was caught by arms encircling her waist. They heard soft chuckling, "You need to be careful on a rainy day, neighbor." Sakura sighed in relief and the girls gratefully looked at the blonde's savior. Calem helped her down the steps.

"Thanks for saving me. I've been running into boulders and tripping over Pokemon." Serena laughed in embarrassment. Calem smiled at her.

"No problem." He looked around. "I thought you were going to Cyllage City." The blonde looked away.

"Well, my path was blocked so... I'm here now." She took Sakura in her arms and hugged her, observing the new daisy on the Pidgeotto's head.

"Oh. You can go through the aquarium over there, too." Calem told her, pointing to a big blue building. "But first, we should go to the Fossil Lab and have them tell us about Fossils. Maybe we'll learn something about those mysterious stones related to Mega Evolutions."

Serena happily looked at all the fossils. Some had a curled shell and some looked like a shield. Calem smiled at her as she acted like a little kid at a candy store. Sakura smirked at both of them. A scientist noticed them and pushed up his glasses. "Welcome, future archaeologists! You were drawn here by the mystique of Fossils no doubt!" The trainers nodded.

"I'm Calem, and this is Serena." Calem introduced, the blonde next to him bowed a little to the scientist and his assistant. "We are researching Mega Evolution. Do you know anything about it?" The scientist grinned.

"Oho! So you're Professor Sycamore's students! I've heard about you!" He paused to think, "Mega Evolution, you say... I'm sorry, but all I know is that it has something to do with mysterious stones... Still, since you're students of the professor, you must know about Pokemon Fossils, correct?"

"Yes." Serena answered.

"Wonderful! I expect no less from Professor Sycamore's students! That's right, Fossils are the legacy of prehistoric Pokemon. You should really go to the dig site and see the real thing firsthand."

"Is that so? Well, if you don't know anything about Mega Evolution..." Calem sighed. The assistant stepped in the conversation.

"Hold on! Pokemon that can be restored from Fossils just might have something to do with Mega Evolution." She told them. "The assistant in Glittering Cave right now might know about that!" She exclaimed. Calem turned to Serena.

"Well... As long as I'm here, I guess I'll go see that assistant. Heading to Glittering Cave, Seri?" He asked her.

"Yup." Serena nodded.

'As long as it's not too dark for you.' Sakura added earning an unsure look from Serena.

"I guess learning about Rhyhorn comes in handy." Serena said as she hugged the rock-type. "My mom has a Rhyhorn at home, you two would get along great." Rhyhorn happily growled and let the girl get on his back. Sakura got comfortable behind Serena. After a few minutes of stomping through the spiked rocks, Serena decided to converse with Sakura. "Hey, Sakura, do you think I should change my clothes?"

'If you want. I like what you're wearing now.' The Pidgeotto responded.

"I do too. I could just change my bag, shoes, and hat." The blonde thought, trying to imagine herself with a dress and tiara.

'Are you trying to impress Calem?' Sakura asked not-so innocently. Serena glared at a random direction.

"That's so...  mean..." She earned a chuckle of amusement from her Pokemon. She yelped as Rhyhorn destroyed a boulder blocking their way. "G-Give me a warning when you do that next time." Rhyhorn growled an apology and continued stomping.

Sakura lifted her head as she heard small cries. Serena looked at her questionably.

"You OK?" The Pidgeotto flew towards a cliff and gasped.

'She's about to fall!' Serena squinted and her eyes widened as she saw a Pokemon hanging from a cliff, crying for help.

"Quick! Catch her!" She ordered Sakura. The flying/normal type nodded and quickly dove down, grabbing the small Pokemon around the waist and brought her to the safety of Serena's arms.

"H-Helio!" The Pokemon shook with fright, her eyes widened.

Serena gave her a reassuring smile. "Shhh. You're safe now, sweetie." Scanning the Pokemon with her Pokedex, Serena saw that this small Pokemon is a Helioptile. The Generator Pokemon calmed down and smiled at Serena with grateful eyes. "How'd you end up like that?"

'Eh!' She started, caught off guard from the question. 'W-Well... I tripped and fell over the cliff.'

Sakura translated, but snorted slightly. 'Sounds like something that would happen to Serena.' Her trainer shot her a look before hugging the Helioptile.

"It's true, I'm clumsy too, but that doesn't stop me from continuing my journey. We're heading to Glittering Cave, you can stay with us for a while if you want." The Pokemon nodded and snuggled up in the trainer's arms. Rhyhorn looked back at the path and continued.

Serena held onto Helioptile tightly, the cave was dark but she felt slightly reassured by the glowing crystals around them. The cave walls were narrow with forks in the paths. Sakura stayed close by at all times. They ran into a swarm of Zubats and had to run, the Pidgeotto couldn't take on all of them. Eventually, Serena walked into a bigger and spacier part of the cave. Helioptile and Sakura growled. "What's wrong?" Following their gaze, the blonde saw a man dressed in red. He looked pretty stupid...

The man turned around with a glare. "What's this? Well, well. What do we have here? A nosy little Trainer has come poking around." Serena stared at him suspiciously.

"Who are you, weirdo? My Pokemon don't seem to like you."

"Listen up!" He ignored what she said. "We're the fashionable team whose very name makes people tremble in fear: Team Flare!" He exclaimed. "Team Flare's goal is to make it so we're the only ones who are happy! We don't care one bit about what happens to other Trainers or Pokemon."

Serena's eyes widened then glared back at him. "That's terrible! What kind of idiot does that?!" The grunt stepped closer to her.

"Get out of here, kid. Don't you know not to play with fire?" He asked. Serena smirked.

"Nope." Sakura laughed while the man clutched his pokeball.

"Getting my fancy suit dirty isn't the stylish way to do things, but if you insist... I'll obliterate you! Get her, Houndour!" He threw his pokeball sending out the Dark Pokemon.

"Let's show him what we're made of, Sakura!" The Pidgeotto let out a cry.


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