Detective Tourist Gang

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"Yes. This has caused me to worry." Serena frowned. "What do you think, Serena? Could it be that there is something wrong?" Looker asked her.

"Well, yes." She said, playing with one of her pigtails. Serena went with the pigtail style instead of ponytail.

"Interesting, interesting..." The man murmured. "So, has she confided in you? Or did you use some of the brilliant detective skills you learned from my class?"

"Neither. I just know."

"Well, you're an approachable person, Serena, which encourages others to open up to you." Serena raised a brow. Was that true? She never noticed. "You know, when I first invited Emma to live here, my intention was to become a guardian to her. I promised to do everything for her as a parent would."

Kitsune pricked her ears and smiled. 'That's crazy kind!' She commented from her place on Looker's desk.

Looker closed his eyes. "I... I do hope my feelings of responsibility are not burdening her." Serena placed a hand on his shoulder.

"I'm sure that's not it."

The door to the bureau slammed open as a lady rushed inside and starting speaking Japanese. Serena felt like laughing at Looker's confused face. She could understand the lady but decided to keep it to herself, for amusement.

"Oho! What have we here?" Looker smiled at the lady. "One of our fair city's famous tourists! From your manner of speaking, madame, I deduce that you have traveled far indeed!" The tourist lady blinked at him. "I am... Looker. What may I do for you?"

She spoke some more. Looker and Serena nodded, signaling her to continue.

"Ahem..." Looker scratched his head with a nervous smile. "My dear lady... I am so terribly sorry, but could you speak a bit less quickly?"

Serena looked at the tourist as she sighed. Maybe I should...

"From what I can gather, it seems that this lady has been given sore offense. And do you know why that would be, Serena, my friend?" Looker asked. Serena nodded. "Well, thanks to my gift for languages- I've traveled all over the world, you know..." The man thought about it.

Serena and Kitsune leaned closer, slowly nodding. "Yeah...?" Maybe he could figure it out himself.

"It seems she is highly offended that she has come as a guest and not yet been offered tea!" Looker exclaimed. Serena and Kitsune face faulted with groans. "Yes! Case closed! Which means, my friend, I must make haste to obtain the requisite tea! Serena, please keep our guest company until my return from this vital mission." Looker said hastily before rushing out of the building.

"W-Wait!" Serena reached out her arm, still on the floor. After a while she deflated. The tourist lady had her hands on her hips and spoke angrily. Serena looked up at her and apologized about Looker being... Looker.

"I'm home, Mr. Looker!" Emma showed up at the door with her Espurr. "Oh! Serena! Welcome back! And what are you doing on the floor?"

"Just being lazy..." The honey blonde mumbled. Emma helped her up as Kitsune and Mimi greeted each other.

The girl looked around. "Is Mr. Looker out? And who's this old lady?" She asked. The tourist seemed really offended and spoke angrily. Serena gasped at her words while Emma fumed. She clenched her hands into fists and fired back her own Japanese words, surprising Serena. She knows Japanese?

The tourist's eyes widened. She questioned Emma before sighing in relief. The lady was glad that someone understand her.

"That was pretty rude though..." Serena narrowed her eyes. Just because Looker misunderstand her doesn't mean he's considered useless.

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