Protecting Everyone!

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Serena and Calem looked around Team Flare's Secret Headquarters. He noticed that she stepped closer to him as a few scientists walked by. They seemed to not care that the two Trainers were there. "You alright, Seri?"

"Hm? Oh. Yeah, I'm just anxious about this whole thing." She told him with a smile. He nodded then noticed Lysandre staring at something through a glass window. Serena and Calem ran over but kept their distance from him.

"The ultimate weapon's flower has finally bloomed above the soil. Don't you find it's beauty captivating?" I gotta admit, it really IS beautiful. "As we speak, it draws it's energy from the Legendary Pokemon." Lysandre told them without turning around.

"Ultimate weapon? We won't let you use it!" Calem yelled.

"Even though resources, space, and energy on this planet are limited, the number of people and Pokemon has increased to an unsustainable level. Whether it's money or energy, the ones who steal are the ones who win in this world."

"So what? That doesn't give you the right to destroy everyone except the few that Team Flare chooses!" Calem said. Lysandre finally turned around with no expression on his face.

"So, tell me. The Mega Ring, did you share it?" He asked. Serena held up her wrist and looked at her Mega Ring.

"That's different! We did compete to see who got it, but..." He didn't know what else to say.

"When there is only one of something. it can't be shared. When something can't be shared, it will be fought over. And when something is fought over, some must survive without it. The only way to create a world where people live in beauty, a world without conflict or theft, is to reduce the number of living things."

"What about Pokemon?" Calem asked. Serena noticed Lysandre went silent for a while, like he's thinking hard about something. The man looked down, his eyes clouded and some tears poured out of them. Serena knew she wasn't imagining it as Calem also noticed. "Why... are you crying?" He asked, shocked.

"Pokemon... Shall no longer exist." Lysandre wiped his eyes. "Pokemon are wonderful beings. Humans have worked with Pokemon, and we have helped each other flourish. But precisely because of that, they will inevitably become tools for war and theft!" He lifted his head and walked closer to them. Calem and Matsu took a step in front of Serena protectively. "Enough of this. You want to stop the ultimate weapon, and I refuse to do so. So, I will keep you busy for just a moment..." His Meinshao joined his side.

Serena lightly pushed Calem away as she and Matsu got ready for battle. "Matsu! Time to shine!"

"You're as strong as ever. But... It's too late!" Lysandre exclaimed. "There's no hope for you now! Go down to the lowest floor and see for yourself!" Calem shook his head.

"It's not over until it's over!" The raven head looked at Serena. "Seri! Let's look for the Legendary Pokemon! Trainers are protected by Pokemon, but they protect Pokemon, too, right?"

Serena nodded. "Yup." Matsu cried out his name, catching their attention. "What is it?"

'That's the entrance to the lower floors.' He told her. Calem looked at the Pokemon in confusion. Serena pointed over to a door a few feet away from Lysandre.

"Matsu wants us to go through there." He nodded and the three ran up the steps, passing Lysandre, to the door. Serena slowed to look through the glass. There was a big white tree on a podium, with tubes attached to the podium. She felt her arm gently grabbed and pulled.

"Come on, Serena!" Calem ran faster with her trying to match his speed.

They were stopped by a Team Flare Admin and Grunt. "I'm afraid we're going to have to ask you to turn back. The Legendary Pokemon IS at the end of this chamber, after all." The Grunt looked at him angrily.

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