Power Plant

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"How dare you keep us waiting!" Someone randomly shouted at Serena. The girl jumped in fright, holding a hand to her chest. She turned angrily, knowing who it was, and glared at the person. "Ha! Just kidding, Trainer!" Dexio chuckled. "We weren't really waiting for you. We were on our way to the Power Plant at Professor Sycamore's request. But the gate connecting Lumiose City to Route 13 has been shut by a mysterious power outrage." He explained. "We have to investigate."

"Oh." Serena said.

"Hey!" Sina started. "So there's Central Kalos and Coastal Kalos, right?" Serena nodded. "Can you tell me what comes next?" She asked.

Serena thought for a while. "Mountain Kalos?" Dexio nodded.

"Yup! I'm going to take this opportunity and power up your Pokedex again." Serena gave him her Pokedex and he started looking through it. "The Mountain Kalos Pokedex has been added to the menu. Just tap it to check it out." Serena tucked the Pokedex back in her bag. Sina suddenly got close to the blonde's face, startling her.

"W-What is it?" She asked unsurely. Sina squinted then smiled.

"You know... You look different somehow. Your face seems more... mature?" The girl giggled to herself and stepped back. "Ha ha! Just joshing with you! I'll be taking my leave now! Bon voyage!" She waved. Serena sighed as the two left.

Do I really look different? I know the change of clothes makes me look different, but my face? Well, Sina said she was kidding around. Serena walked outside and blinked. "Lumiose Badlands? This place seems dry... and sad." She said to herself and walked down the steps. Looking down, Serena thought she saw something move underground but shrugged and looked around for the entrance to the power plant.

Serena slid the Power Plant pass down the lock and the door opened. She stepped inside and observed her surroundings.

"Knock knock, who's there?" A Flare grunt said and started chanting the same things over again. "Seriously, though. Who are you?" He asked with a suspicious look.

"Uh..." Serena scratched her head.

"Only authorized personnel are allowed in here!"

"Who do you think you are? Team Flare is busy... redirecting... the power that's supposed to go to Lumiose City, see?" The grunt returned his fallen pokemon. "Don't get in our way!" Serena walked past him with Matsu glaring at him. The blonde walked into a room. There were workers of the power plant there.

A scientist noticed her. "Are you here to rescue us or what?"

Serena smiled. "Yes, I am." The man started laughing but was elbowed by another scientist, a woman.

"Don't be rude to her. At least someone is trying. That blasted Team Flare!" She growled. "They've come for the sole purpose of stealing the electricity we send to Lumiose from here. Good luck."

Serena nodded and went deeper into the power plant. The girl gazed down at the electricity sparking around. It looked pretty dangerous. Serena looked over and saw two people by the big power generator. The bald man looked at his partner.

"How much longer?"

"If you're just interested in the facts, I'd say we already have enough energy to power the device." She chuckled. She had orange hair and weird specs.

"Good. Let's finish up here and move out. There's still more work to be done." He told her.

"What other work do you mean?" She asked, then she noticed Serena standing a few feet away. "Perhaps you mean taking out that annoying little Pokemon Trainer over there?" Serena stepped back. The bald man looked over in surprise.

"What's this? I didn't think anyone remained here after we dealt with the workers." He sent out a Pokemon. Matsu growled and took his battle stance.

"Time to shine, Matsu!" Serena glared.

With one Surf, the admin's Houndoom went out. He angrily turned to his partner. "Scientist, take care of this pesky intruder!" She nodded.

"Ah ha ha! It would be my pleasure!" The lady stepped forward. "Come on, little Trainer! Let's see what you've got!" She sent out her first Pokemon. "Allow me to introduce myself, intruder. My name is Aliana. As you can see, I'm one of Team Flare's scientists. I'm researching a certain something that you wouldn't understand, anyway. Unfortunately for you, I've been charged with the simple task of your elimination." Her Mightyena growled and jumped at Matsu.

"Ah ha ha! Well, I certainly didn't expect you to be so interesting! I do hope we can meet again!" Aliana said. She and the admin disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Oh my!" A voice said from behind Serena. A girl and guy wearing capes and masks looked around.

"You chased off that mysterious bunch before we could even get here?" The girl looked at Serena. "Well, I guess there's always room for more defenders of Kalos! Let me heal your Pokemon as thanks!" She sprayed a Hyper Potion on Matsu, he nodded in thanks.

"You and your Pokemon are the ultimate team! No doubt about it!" Serena observed them, they looked... familiar?

"Thank you." She smiled at them anyway.

"Thanks to you, the power is back on in Lumiose City." He told her. "Now people can pass through the gate connecting Route 13 to Lumiose City again."

The girl who looks like Sina waved, "Well, I think us mysterious people will be off now! I leave before being left. I decide. Au revoir!" Both turned and left.

"Au revoir?" Serena exchanged a look with Matsu. "Now I know that's Sina and Dexio." He nodded.

Serena headed to Lumiose City. Not looking where she was going, she bumped into someone. "Oh, I'm sorry." She looked up but didn't stop looking up because the man she bumped into was super huge and tall. He had long white hair and his eyes were shadowed by his bangs.

"The Pokemon... The flower Pokemon..." He mumbled. "The Pokemon that was given eternal life..." He walked away leaving Serena confused. She shrugged and continued.


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