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Sarafina's POV

It is time to go home and the year is over. There was a memorial for Cedric and Dumbledore explained how he died. Apparently Sirius had been in to see Harry and now Snape knows he's an animagus. Dumbledore is starting up this secret order again and wants me to continue spying as no one knows I'm an animagus.

The other schools left yesterday on their boat and in their carriage. Iris and Fleur said good byr to me, Ron got a kiss on the cheek from Fleur before she left. But before she did she told me she was going to get a job here to improve her English. I then said goodbye to Vlad and he promised to write.

Harry, Hermione, Ron and I watched the schools leave. Hermione asked us if everything was going to change now. Harry said it was and she made us promise to write. Harry and I promised to write every day.  Hermione and I drag our trunks downstairs to the entrance hall. With Yuki and Crookshanks in their separate cages. Yuki saw Tom, Jerry and Cinnamon one last time before letting me put her in her cage. She even saw Snowy and Bella one last time before they left with Fleur.

Ron finally got Victor Krum's autograph before he left on his ship. Now we all sat in a compartment as the train took us home. Hermione then mentioned how Rita hadn't written anything since the third task and she wouldn't be for awhile. "Why not Hermione?" I ask her and Ron nods his head in agreement.

"I found out how she was listening in on private conversations when she wasn't aloud on the school grounds" Hermione states smiling.

"How was she doing it?" Harry asks. While Ron asked Hermione how she figured it out. She explained how Harry gave her the idea.

"Bugging?" I ask her remembering when Harry mentioned muggle spy devices.

"Yes, Rita Skeeter is an unregistered Animagus. She turns into..." Hermione explains taking a jar out of her bag.

"A beetle" I say smiling and glare at the water beetle.

"You're kidding" Ron says.

"Nope, caught her on the window sill of the hospital wing. Look closely at her antennae the markings around them look just like those awful glasses she wears" she explains.

"There was a beetle in the garden when Hagrid was speaking to Madame Maxime and it could of seen you with Malfoy" Harry states.

"Yes and Victor pulled a beetle from my hair during our conversation at the lake. No doubt she perched on the window sill in divination when your scar hurt" Hermione states.

"She's been buzzing around all year, the little sneak" I say glaring at the beetle. "What are you going to do with her Hermione?" I ask in a calm tone.

"Why doesn't she just transform?" Ron asks her.

"I told her, I'd let her out when we return to London" Hermione says. "I placed an unbreakable spell on the jar so she can't transform. I told her to keep her quill to herself for a year. See if she can't break that habit of writing lies about people" she explains.

"I've taught you well Hermione" I say smiling.

"Very clever Granger, Sarafina why don't you come sit with me" Draco drawls as he stands at the open door with his goons.

"Draco, I really need to be with my friends and family right now" I tell him gently.

"Trying not to think about it are we?" he asks Harry.

"Drop it Malfoy or we're over" I threaten and he looks at me shocked. "Cedric was like a brother to me, now either shut up or get out" I say pointing my wand at him. Draco gives me an apologetic look before leaving with his goons as Fred and George appeared.

"You ok Sara?" George asks sitting beside me wrapping an arm around me.

"Yes, just need to breath and calm down" I say taking a deep calming breath. I close my eyes tuning out of the conversation of my brothers black mailing someone. Until it was announced that we'd arrived at Kings Cross Station. I leave the compartment with Hermione and Ron. While Harry kept the twins back for a chat.

I found mum, dad and Ginny near the entrance. Fred and George soon appear looking very happy about something. It wasn't until we got home and the others were sleeping. That they told me that Harry had given them his Triwizard Tournament prize money, so that they can open the joke shop they always talked about. I agree with Harry with a new war in view, we'll all need a good laugh.

The End

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