Port-Key Going to World Cup

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Sarafina's POV

It is the morning of the Quidditch World Cup the sun hasn't risen yet. But Harry, Hermione, Fred, George, Ron, Dad and I have to be up this early to take a port-key. Mum was up as well as she mad us a quick breakfast. Bill, Charlie and Percy don't have to be up until later as they can apperate, which they will at lunch time. Lucky buggers. Any way I woke the twins with a prank while Hermione woke the other two boys.

I walked up front with Dad as we lead the others and Ron asked Dad where we were going. "Haven't the foggiest" Dad replies. Fred and George had been stripped of their prank products by Mum. She yelled at them and gave them a lecture. They walked a little behind Dad and I, then it was Hermione and Ginny with Harry bring up the rear with Ron.

"Arthur about time son" a voice called as we reached the top of a hill that over looked the village near our house.

"Sorry Amos, some of us had a late start" Dad told a man as a teenage boy dropped down from a tree.

"Cedric" I exclaim and launch myself at him. He chuckled hugging me back and we smiled at each other. "Wow, you know steroids are bad for you" I tease.

"Just filling out Sarafina like you" he teases back making me giggle.

Fred and George pulled me away from Cedric glaring at him as Dad shook his hand. "Guys relax he's like a seventh brother to me" I tell them.

"Yeah and she's like the little sister I always wanted" Cedric assures them as we follow the two men. "By the way Sarafina I got that hoodie you wanted" he tells me.

"Awesome I can't wait to wear it at the game" I state. We reached the top of the last hill and are told to look for an object. I find an old boot and call "I found an old boot!" Everyone surrounded it and placed a hand or finger on it before we were teleported.

"Let go" Dad tells us and I do so straight away trusting him. As I fell I moved my legs and I landed slightly off balance. But managed to stay on my feet as Fred, George, Harry, Hermione and Ron fall around me. Whereas Dad, Mr Diggory and Cedric landed on their feet as I helped Hermione and Ginny up. We then went towards the large camp before the Diggorys left for the second field.

We found Mister Roberts and he told us our tent site was near the woods. Harry and Dad gave him the appropriate muggle money. Then started talking about magical things, which he shouldn't know about as he is a muggle and has no magical family. Suddenly a wizard appeared next to the muggle and said "obliviate" pointing his wand at the man.

The man gave us our map and change before we walked away with the other wizard accompanying us. He started talking to Dad about Ludo Bagman. While I walked with Fred and George discussing their prank products. I heard Dad say something about how we can't help but show off when we all get together. Before he announced we had arrived at our camp site.

Dad then stated we would set the tent up by hand after saying the pitch was on the other side of the wood. Between Harry, Hermione and I we set up the two tents before entering one. Which is ten times bigger inside and is like an apartment or hotel room minus a bathroom. But there was one on the map along with where we can get water.

Harry, Hermione and Ron were sent to get water from the other side of the field. While the rest of us settled in before Dad started to lit the fire. But he was having to much fun with the matched. Before I took them and set up the wood lighting the fire properly. Perks of going camping with Hermione one summer in the Forest of Dean.

The others finally got back as Bill, Charlie and Percy arrived. I started lunch and boiling some water for tea. When Ludo Bagman appeared Fred and George placed a bet on the game. Percy's boss Crouch appeared and spoke to Dad about flying carpets before leaving with Bagman to sort out a some seats for Bulgarians in the top box. Then after lunch Bill and Charlie took Ginny & I to the souvenir shop.

It was finally time for us to go to the game and I stuck with Ginny. I had my wand inside the new hoodie Cedric gave me. It had a logo of the Irish team on it. Bill and Charlie were leading the way with Percy and the twins.


Gif above of arrival and picture on external link of hoodie.

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