Three Performances

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Sarafina's POV

School has been fine so far, but I don't know how I feel about the new defense teacher. I don't trust Professor Moody and even though he's good with curses. Yuki is due to give birth any day now.  I've been ignoring Draco again after what he did on the train. If he wants to be my friend he needs to be civil with my family as well. Not friends,just not pick fights everytime their in the same room.

The Beauxbatons and Durmstrang were arriving today for the triwizard tournament. I waited next to Ginny, Fred and George with the rest of the school in the great hall. Professor McGonagall checked our outfits before we entered as she wanted us to look our best. She made the Patil twins take the hair pins out of their hair. So we are all in school uniform and nothing else.

Dumbledore introduced the Beauxbatons and their head mistress (Madame Maxime) first. Her  students did a dance/gymnastic routine as they entered the hall in their blue school uniform. The boys couldn't take their eyes off them, including Draco. I glared at him and turned away before he could see me looking.

Next Dumbledore introduced Durmstrang and their head master (Igor Karkaroff). They did their own performance which ended with two of the students making a phoenix out of fire. I was very impressed at how fit they all were and I wasn't the only one. Also Victor Krum was with them and Ron was awe struck by that. I felt someone looking at me and turn to see Draco giving me the 'what the hell?' look.

Dumbledore then announce we entertain them the best way we can and we started singing the Hogwarts song. "Hogwarts, Hogwarts, Hoggy Warty Hogwarts, Teach us something please, Whether we be old and bald, Or young with scabby knees, Our heads could do with filling, With some interesting stuff, For now they're bare and full of air, Dead flies and bits of fluff, So teach us things worth knowing, Bring back what we've forgot, Just do your best, we'll do the rest, And learn until our brains all rot"we all finish singing together. Beauxbatons then sat down at the Ravenclaw table and Durmstrang sat at the Slytherin table. Draco immediately started talking with Krum and one of the Beauxbatons girl's hugged Draco before joining her school.

The feast consisted of many foreign foods from France and Bulgaria as well as the usual. When two girls from Beauxbatons came over for same more french cosine. Ron turned into a mess and blushed madly when she left. I tried to smile, but wasn't happy one of the girls was the one who had been all over Draco. Hermione said the girls were part Veela once they'd left. That explained why the boy population had become bumbling idiots. I notice the same girl now sitting the opposite side of Draco and he had his arm wrapped around her shoulder as they laughed.

The feast ended and Dumbledore revealed the Goblet of Fire explaining how it worked. That students who wished to enter the tournament had to put their name on a piece of paper and put it into the fire. Then that tomorrow night the Goblet would reveal the names of the three champions competing in the tournament.

"You ok Fina?' Ginny asks as we start to leave the great hall.

"Tell you later" I state looking at her and then bump into someone. I nearly fall but a pair of strong arms wrap around my waist. I look up into a pair of brown eyes as I say "thank you, sorry about that."

"No need to be sorry luv, my name is Vladimir Krum at your service" he says kissing the back of my hand.

"Sarafina Weasley, at yours" I say with a curtsy and he chuckles. "Any relation to Victor Krum?" I ask.

"He's my older brother, let me guess Bulgaria fan?" he asks.

"Actually I support Ireland and they creamed Bulgaria at the cup" I state smirking.

"Wait until my brother hears this, a girl who won't fawn over him" Vladimir states and I giggle.

"Fina we have to go" Ginny says tugging on my arm.

"Right, maybe I'll see you around Vladimir" I tell him.

"Just Vlad to you and sweet dreams" he says kissing my hand again before leaving. Ginny and I then leave for Gryffindor Tower. Not knowing we had been watched during the whole scene with Vladimir.

Draco's POV

"Everything's going to plan dear cousin" Iris whispers in my ear and I smirk. I saw the way Sarafina glared at me when Iris hugged me and made a plan to invite her to the ball. Iris my cousin and her boyfriend were going to help me with that.

"Yes it is, he played his part well as long as he remembers who's his girlfriend" I state.

"Don't worry he knows the plan and we've loved each other for two years. That won't change" Iris assures me. "Now I must return to the carriage, see you tomorrow Draco" she says kissing my cheek. I hugged her, I missed my cousin dearly with her living in France with her family. She was part Veela like most of the girls in her school and has blonde hair & blue eyes. Once she'd left I went down to the Slytherin common room to sleep.


Gif above of the Durmstrang students fire phoenix.

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