Third Task

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24th of June Sarafina's POV

It is time for the final task and a lot has happened since the black lake. Draco and I went on a proper first date in Hogsmeade. Yuki is no longer worrying about her kittens and has been desexed. Exams have come and gone, I believe I passed everything. Hermione, Ron and I have been helping Harry prepare for the final task. Which is a maze full of obstacles he has to get past in order to reach the cup.

Barty Crouch died in the forbidden forest after meeting Harry and Victor. Harry told us about what he saw in Dumbledore's pensive. Harry, Hermione, Ron and I have been visiting Padfoot on our Hogsmeade weekends. I didn't go when I was on my date with Draco though.

Draco took me on a carriage ride through Hogsmeade going to all my favourite shops. He didn't let me pay for anything, even my lunch as the Three Broomsticks. We then went to the lake and relaxed. We even went for a swim after summoning our swimmers before dinner. Before we got out of the lake we kissed then went back to shore. We switched our clothes using magic and dried ourselves. Draco walked me to the great hall and kissed my cheek goodbye.

I have been drawing also and drew a picture of the Hungarian Horn-tail. I made four copies sending one to Charlie and Astrid. Then giving the other two to Hagrid and Harry. I even drew a picture of a mermaid and had Dumbledore give it to the merfolk. Otherwise nothing else has happened aside from Harry having nightmares about some graveyard.

Bill and Mum came to cheer Harry on as his muggle family didn't come. Gabrielle told me how well Snowy and Bella are doing. She introduced me to her parents who thanked me for helping her in the lake and for the kittens. I meet Cedric's parents, his mother was really nice to me. Vlad introduced me to his parents as we were friends. Any way it is finally time for the final task to begin.

I sat with mum, Ginny and Bill while Hermione sat farther up with Ron, Dean, Seamus & Neville. We all cheer as Harry and Cedric enter the maze first. Soon Victor and Fleur entered the maze. Now all we can do is wait for someone to shoot green sparks into the air showing they had the cup. Teachers were patrolling the perimeter of the maze keeping an eye out for red or green sparks. Red sparks means someone was in trouble or hurt.

About fifteen minutes later red sparks shoot into the air and an unconscious was brought out of the maze. Her family went with her to the medical tent to ensure she was ok. Not long after more red sparks appeared and an unconscious Victor was brought out. His family went to the medical tent to make sure he was ok. But he looked better then Fleur who looked like she'd been attacked by something. Victor just looked stunned to me, but I am no healer.

(An hour later)

It has been quiet in the maze and I was getting bored. When suddenly two figures appear on the ground in front of the maze with the cup. Everyone cheers knowing Harry and Cedric had won the cup for Hogwarts. But the victory was short lived when we heard Cedric was dead and that Voldemort was back. I sob into Bill's shoulder at the loss of a dear friend that was like a seventh brother to me.

We were all sent back to our dorms the Ron had his arm around me the whole time. Soon he left with Hermione, mum, Bill, and the twins to see Harry. I was to upset to see Harry so Ginny stayed with me with Yuki. That night I went to bed early and had nightmares (about Cedric's death) for the first time in a long time.


Picture above of the maze and picture on the external link of Hungarian Horn-tail drawing. This is not the final chapter, there is still one more after it.

Sarafina: Book 4Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora