Dance Lessons and Date

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Sarafina's POV

"The yule ball has been a tradition of the Triwizard Tournament since it began. On Christmas Eve night we and our guests well gather in the great hall for the night. As representatives of the host school I expect you all to put your best suit forward. Because the Yule Ball is first and foremost a dance" Professor McGonagall explains. That explains why us fourth years and above needed dress robes this year.

"Silence" she calls as the boys groan and the girls start talking excitedly. "The house of Godric Gryffindor has commanded the respect of the wizarding world for nearly ten centuries. I will not have you, in one night, besmirching that name by behaving like a babbling, bumbling band of baboons" she tells us.

"Try saying that five times fast" I tell the twins. I was standing with them on the boys side instead of with the girls. Though I feel sorry now for leaving Hermione on her own with no one to talk too.

"Babbling, bumbling band of baboons" George states.

"Babbling, bumbling band of baboons" Fred says faster and I giggle.

"Mister Weasley will you assist me please?" McGonagall asks Ron. Dragging mine and the twins attention back to what was happening. Ron asked what, but McGonagall made him stand taking him to the center of the room. "Now, Mr. Weasley, place your right hand on my waist" she tells him.

"Where?" Ron asks and I giggle behind my hand.

"My waist mister Weasley" she tells him again. He does so and the boys wolf whistle at him while glares at them. "Now, one two three one two three" McGonagall smiles as she leads the dance.

"You're never going to let him forget this are you?" Harry asks the twins and I.

"Never" the three of us tell him.

"Everyone find a partner" Professor McGonagall tells us and all the girls stand. "Boys on your feet" she tells the boys. A few got up and someone grabbed me dragging me into the dance. I see it was Lee and smile relaxing as we followed the beat. Soon everyone had a partner and were dancing while Ron continued to dance with Professor McGonagall.

(Few days later) Still Sarafina's POV

I was sitting in a courtyard doing some homework when Ginny ran over. "Guess who just asked me to the ball?" she asks sitting beside me. "Neville did, so I'm going to that dress" she tells me before I could guess.

"You're suppose to let me guess" I remind her giggling. "Of course you can have the dress, I'll go shopping next Hogsmeade weekend or earlier for a new for me" I tell her.

"So no ones asked you yet?" Ginny asks confused.

"I've been really busy Ginny this is the first time I've been on my own since the ball was announced" I tell her. It was true I was busy looking after Yuki and her kittens. Helping Hagrid with his classes, doing homework and hanging out with Fred & George planning pranks.

"But I know there's a certain someone you want to be asked by" she smirks looking over my shoulder. I turn to see Draco with that Veela girl and his group of friends.

"He won't ask me, besides why would he when he has her?" I ask.

"Sarafina, can I speak to you?" a voice asks behind us and I see Vlad standing there. Ginny smiles at me before leaving saying she wanted to try on her dress. "Glad I could finally get you alone" Vlad tells me smirking.

"Oh and why did you want to get me alone?" I ask him.

"I was wondering if anyone has asked you to the ball yet?" he asks me.

"No not yet" I tell him and look at Draco from the corner of my eye. Seeing him life with the Veela girl. "Why do you ask?" I say smiling gently.

"Would you consider going to the ball with me as friends?" he asks.

"Sure, I can go get a dress this weekend" I tell him smiling.

"No need, I'll have my mum get you one and you'll get it before the ball. I'll meet you in the entrance hall with my brother and his date" he tells me. "Also can you wear that necklace you're always wearing hidden from view?" he asks pointing to it.

"I don't know if that's a good idea" I tell him.

"For me and it's just for one night" Vlad he says pouting.

"Fine just for the night, but please tell your mum I want a blue dress?" I ask and he nods his head. He kisses my hand before leaving. I smile packing up my stuff before leaving to tell Hermione and Ginny about my date for the ball.

Vlad's POV (After asking Sarafina to the ball)

"How did it go?" Iris asks wrapping her arms around my neck pecking me on the lips. I love my girlfriend so much.

"She said yes and she needs a dress" I tell Draco the last part. "I told her I'd get my mum to handle it and she told me she want's a blue dress" I state.

"I'll write to my mum after this" Draco states nodding his head. "Thanks for all the help Vlad, Iris picked well" he adds smirking. "Will she wear the necklace?" he asks me and I nod my head.


Picture of McGonagall giving dance lessons above.

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