Character Competition

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I was thinking of adding a new character from one of the other schools. But am drawing a blank. Can you help me? List of what I need below:

Full name

Gender: Male or Female

Appearance: Hair colour/length, eye colour, skin tone and height. Additional features like freckles or scars if any.

Personality: Not evil please

School: Durmstrang or Beauxbatons

Blood status: Half-blood, Muggle-born and Pureblood


Brief summary of their history: Like their school life, family life or any important events



Any family members: Mother, Father, Uncle, Aunt, Grandparents, and siblings

Age: Between 14 and 17

Friends: In their school and Hogwarts (they will be friends with Sarafina Weasley)

Thank you for your help, but I'm afraid I'll only choose one or two characters to add to the story. I appreciate all your suggestion and will let you know when I make my pick. If I don't use a character in this story I may use it in one of my other harry potter fanfictions I am writing. May the odds ever be in your favor.

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