Draco and Yule Ball

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Link to Sarafina's hairstyle: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/epiJkp33mUk/maxresdefault.jpg

Sarafina's POV

"You look gorgeous, Vlad's mum has good taste" Ginny states looking at the dress in the box.

"Yes it's beautiful and still plain" Hermione adds smiling. Victor had asked her to the ball and she said yes. Everytime someone asked her out afterwards she just said she already had a date. I've done the same thing when Lee, Seamus and a Durmstrang boy asked me to the ball. Parvati and Padma were going with Harry & Ron to the ball. Fred was going with Angelina and George was going with Katie Bell. 

"It's perfect" I tell them smiling as Ginny finishes my hair and I start to do hers. "I'll help with your hair next Hermione" I tell her as she starts doing her hair. We all choose to do simple make-up and get into our dresses. Then take pictures of each other before going down to the ball together. Ginny was going to take the camera so we could take pictures of ourselves with our dates. Then we'd all get copies and send them home to our parents & date.

"Thanks Sarafina" Hermione says smiling. We all soon had our hair and make-up done. Then helped each other into our dresses so not to ruin all our hard work from the last few hours. Hermione and Ginny decided we'd do things the muggle way except for Hermione's hair. I put my shoes on before leaving the bathroom.

"You look like a princess Fina" Ginny tells me smiling and I blush. I had just put on the necklace Draco gave me. I don't know why Vlad wanted me to wear it, but I promised that I would. "Isn't that Draco's necklace?" she asks.

"Yeah it is, Vlad told me to wear it tonight" I tell her shrugging. It was for only one night and besides it goes with the dress. "Oh Hermione you are diffidently the Belle of the ball" I say as she appears.

"No I won't, you will" she argues and we all giggle. "Photo time" she states and we take about a dozen photos each. Before going down to the common room where Neville meet us.

"Wow, you girls look beautiful" he tells all three of us. "Thanks for coming with me Ginny" he adds smiling at her.

"Thanks for inviting me and do you mind having photos taken later with Hermione, Fina & their dates?" Ginny asks.

"Not at all" Neville assures us smiling. We all left the common room together heading to the entrance hall. Ginny went down first with Neville and then Hermione & I argued who'd go down next.

"Together?" I ask her and she nods her head. We took a big breath before turning the corner and began to descend the stairs together smiling.  Everyone turned to look at us in awe as Victor and Draco approached us. "Draco what?" I ask confused and look for Vlad to see him standing next to the Veela that was always hanging around Draco.

"I'll explain everything Sarafina and you look beautiful" he tells me kissing my cheek. "My mother choose well" he adds looking at the dress. "Now there is someone I'd like you to meet" he states walking us over to Vlad and the Veela. "Sarafina allow me to introduce you to my cousin Iris Mitchell" he tells me.

"But I thought" I say confused looking between all three.

"My cousin really wanted to invite you tonight, but then he saw you the night we arrived. He thought to test whether or not you really liked him. So he thought to see if you'd get jealous by not telling you who I was" Iris explains and I glare at Draco hitting his arm.

"I'm so sorry and it's very nice to meet you" I tell Iris smiling. "But how does Vlad fit into this?" I ask them.

"He's my boyfriend of two years and he wanted Draco's approval" Iris states shrugging. "Honestly boys can be stupid" she adds and we both giggle.

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