Lunch With Narcissa Malfoy

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Sarafina's out:

The three broomsticks interior:

Sarafina's cat form (remember she has blue eyes0:

Sarafina's POV

Gabrielle visited me one day in the great hall thanking me for Bella and for helping her in the lake again. Yuki doesn't visit her kittens as regularly now, but still sees Bella and Snowy. It is now time for the Hogsmeade visit including my lunch with Mrs Malfoy. I had chosen a white shirt, pale pink sweater, blue shoes, white/pink sneakers, heart earrings and a bracelet to wear. I am also wearing the necklace Draco had given me.

I didn't ate much breakfast as I was nervous at one on one time with Draco's mother. Yuki was coming to Hogsmeade with me, but not into the Three Broomsticks. Draco assured me there was nothing to worry about. I ignored any letters I got about his and my relationship. Even though there hasn't been another article, people still have their opinions on it. No one else either then Hermione and Ginny know of my lunch with Mrs Malfoy, they helped me pick the outfit.

"See you later girls" I tell Hermione and Ginny smiling as Yuki jumps onto my shoulder.

"Good luck Sarafina/Fina" Hermione and Ginny tells me. Nodding my head I leave the hall head out side. Once out of the school grounds I head down the path to Hogsmeade. Some other students were also heading there now. The others won't be going until later. It is only eleven o'clock at the moment, so I was a little early. But I thought it was better to be early then late. As I reach Hogsmeade I hesitant and Yuki rubs her head against my check purring in comfort.

"Thanks girl" I tell her smiling scratching her behind the ears as I enter the village. I decide to go get some more parchment and ink before going to the three broomsticks. Once I was done there I decide I'd go for a run after lunch and go see Sirius in his cave. It had been awhile since I turning into a mountain lioness and had seen Sirius.

I wait outside the three broomsticks at a quarter to twelve when I feel a presence behind me. "Sarafina Weasley?" a woman's voice asks and I turn to see a beautiful woman standing there. With brown and white hair wearing green robes.

"Mrs Malfoy" I say curtsying to her as Yuki jumps off of my shoulder. "Don't wonder to far Yuki" I tell her as she disappears into the ground. "Shall we go inside?" I ask Mrs Malfoy.

"Of course and please call me Narcissa" she says smiling. Before leading me inside then upstairs. "I had a table set for us up here, so no one would over hear our conversation. Is that alright?" she asks.

"Of course, besides this is personal" I say smiling as she sits down and I follow suit.

"What do you what to eat?" Narcissa asks. "Don't worry I'm paying" she states.

"Shepherd's pie with garden salad please and butterbeer" I tell her smiling. "What about you?" I ask her.

"Chicken salad and iced tea" she says smiling. A waiter appears and she orders our meals & drink. "Now I want to know your expectations are with my son" she says not beating around the bush.

"Nothing, I just what someone to love me for me. I don't care about your money or status or what you used to be. I really like your son and I may even love him. But it is to early to tell" I explain. "He treats me right, like I'm the most important thing in the world to him. He cares about my safety and happiness. I only what his happiness also and I am sorry for hurting peoples feeling" I tell her.

"Whose feelings my dear?" Narcissa asks.

"The girl he was suppose to marry after school, my family, friends and your family. I know how your family feels about mine and I don't what to cause you any drama. I already failed that because of that damned Rita Skeeter. I don't know how she found out, she wasn't there when Draco asked me to his girlfriends. We were alone" I explain.

"That was not your fault my dear and don't worry about our family. My sister and her husband are in Azkaban. I can handle Lucius and I'm sure my other sister will love you" she assures me.

"Thank you Narcissa" I say as our order arrives. We eat in silences making small talk. She asked about my grades, what I wanted to become in the future and even asked about Yuki. After lunch we said our goodbyes and I waited until she was out of sight before going to see Sirius. I turned into a mountain lioness before entering the cave and bow to Buckbeak.

"Follow Kitty" Sirius says smirking as I growl lightly. He calls me that or cub, when I look like a full grown lioness. "So what do I owe the pleasure?" he asks as I sit by Buckbeak turning human again.

"Just thought we could catch up and I could tell you about my lunch with Narcissa Malfoy" I say shrugging. This grabs his attention and I give him a run down of what happened at lunch. I then explain the whole Draco situation to him.

"As long as he treats you right and makes you happy, I have no problem with it" he states after I'm done. I look outside to see it's dark out already and frown. "I'll walk you back in dog form to Hogwarts grounds" he assures me and we leave the cave. He turns into a big black dog and follows me to Hogwarts. Yuki appears greeting Sirius happily before jumping into my arms.

Once we reached the grounds I pat Sirius on the head before heading to the castle. I enter as dinner is about to begin and groan in annoyance before entering the hall. I sit between Hermione and Ginny eating dinner quickly. Before they drag me to Gryffindor tower wanting to know what happened at my lunch. I gave them the same rundown as Sirius before going to change into my pj's. I brushed my teeth before going to bed as we had school tomorrow. I also had to be up early to help Hagrid prep for his Care of Magical Creatures lesson.


Picture above of Narcissa and picture on the external link of Gabrielle Delacour.

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