Game and Aftermath

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Sarafina's POV

"Blimey Dad how far up are we?" Ron asks as we climb the stair case.

"Put it this way, if it rains you'll be the first to know" a voice said behind us. I turned with the others to Malfoy with his father. Draco was looking at me and I shot him a glare as Bill wrapped an arm around my shoulders. Charlie was on my other side.

"Father and I are in the minster's box, invited by Cornelius Fudge himself" Draco boasts.

"Don't boast Draco, there's no need with these people" Mr Malfoy tells him after poking him in his stomach with his stick. "You know Narcissa could not join us and we have a spare seat, would one of you care to join us?" he asks looking at me in particular. I saw Draco looking at me hopeful and Ginny sent me a look.

"We're fine with the seats we have" Dad tells him.

"Really? So Sarafina you wish not to join your friend who has no one here to talk to during the game?" Mr Malfoy asks me. My family looked at me along with Harry and Hermione. "None of his other friends are here and I do not know Quidditch as well as my son" he states trying to guilt me into joining them. It was working as well.

"It's your decision Sarafina, we won't hold it against you" Dad tells me. "Besides I told you before we had three more people then seats. So there it no harm in you joining them, Bill and Charlie can collect you after the game" Dad states. I give him a weak smile nodding my head while Bill and Charlie assure me they'd collect me from the Minister's box.

"I'd love you Mr Malfoy, see you guys after the game" I tell my friends and family. Then walked down to Draco and his father while his father told Harry something. Draco looks delighted that I am joining him and his father for the game. "Please lead the way Mr Malfoy" I say when I reached them and he nods his head before leading us to the minster's box.

"This is great Sarafina, I've missed talking to you and am glad to see you are healed from last years accident" Draco tell me.

"I hardly had a scratch Draco" I tell him.

"You called me Draco" he states smiling.

"Don't look into it to much, it's just easier calling you that with your Father around" I state and he pouts. I roll my eyes as we enter the minster's box.

"Ah Lucius glad to see you and Draco could make it" Fudge states when he sees us. "Whose this?" he asks looking at me and I roll my eyes in annoyance. My Dad works for him and he met me briefly last year.

"Sarafina Weasley Minster we met last year in the hospital wing at Hogwarts" I remind him.

"Ah yes so you are, glad to see you are healed" he states.

"She's with us Minster, I do hope that it is alright as you gave me three seats" Mr Malfoy states.

"Of course Lucius, the more the merrier. But I did not know you spoke to Arthur" Fudge states.

"I do not and she is a friend of Draco's" Mr Malfoy tells Fudge. "Now we must go to our seats as the game is about to start" he states. Fudge nods his head and I sat next to Draco while his father sat on his other side. The Minister then gave his speech and the game began I cheered as the Irish appeared. While Draco cheered for Krum like I knew Ron would be doing as well. A part of me wishes I was with my family, but I just focused on the match.

(After match)

The Irish win even though Krum caught the snitch. Draco and I had talked occasionally during the match about different players. Even made a bet on who would win, which I won and he gave me ten galleons. His father watched us and the game silently from his seat. Before Bill and Charlie arrived Draco gave me back my old necklace which I put on with his help. I smiled at him and tucked it under my hoodie as Bill called my name.

"Come on Sarafina party in the tent" Charlie tells me as they reached us.

"I'm coming, see you at school Draco and thanks for the invite Mr Malfoy" I state before leaving with my brothers. They told me about want they all did during the match and we talked about the game on the way to the tent. Bill then asked what i did during the match. "Nothing really just talked to Draco about a few plays and made a bet with him, which I won. All Mr Malfoy did was sit there" I explain.

"That's my little sister" Charlie states giving me a one armed hug. Bill continued to lead us to our campsite. We reached the tent to see Fred, George, Ginny and Harry teasing Ron about loving Krum. Charlie and I decided to join in of course.

"Victor I love, Victor I do, when we're about my heart beats only for you" we all sang. When Dad appeared as shouts were heard outside. Fred made a comment about the Irish celebrating.

"That's not the Irish" Dad tells us looking panicked. We all exited the tent to see fire, people in black robes and masks. "Get to the port-key everyone and stick together" Dad orders us. "Fred, George Ginny is your responsibility" he tells us before going to join the fight.

"Percy get Sarafina, Ron and their two friends out of here" Bill orders before he and Charlie go to join the fight. I grabbed Percy's hand we had our wands drawn while Percy told the others to follow us. We ran after Fred and George who had already taken off with Ginny. I heard Hermione yelling Harry and tried to turn back, but Percy wouldn't let me.

We ran into little trouble but when we were blocked by four cloaked figures we took immediate action. "Stupefy" we shout pointing our wands at two figures. Then the other two started to fight us as the others became unconscious. I'm glad I learnt to block in second year as I faced the shorter figure.

"Alarte Ascendare" I say and the figure was shout high into the air away from us as Percy stunned the other figure. "Percy there's no way we can get to the port-key if we keep doing this" I tell him. He looked around as he linked our arms.

"Think of home and stay completely still" he tells me. I nod my head and do so before we spin on the spot. As I feel us be pulled in through a tiny tube. Before we appear in the front yard I become unsteady as Percy held me up. I felt like I was going to be sick as Percy checked me for injures. Then took me inside where Mum gave us big hugs asking what's happened.

"Deatheaters mum at the cup" Percy tells her and she gasps in horror.

"Mum, are George, Ginny and Fred back yet? They went for the port-key" I tell her. "But we got separated from Harry, Hermione and Ron" I state.

"No one else is back" she states.

"I'm going up the hill to see if anyone reached the port-key" Percy states before leaving. Mum and I then sat in the living room with the family clock. Waiting for our family and my friends to return home safely.

"I'm sure their all fine Mum" I state and she nods her head. Yuki and Crookshanks entered the room. Crookshanks laid down in front of the fire while Yuki jumped onto my lap. I end up falling asleep on the couch while patting her.


Gif above of them entering tent and video of them teasing Ron about loving Krum.

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