The Black Lake

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Sarafina's POV

Harry finally figured out what the egg meant and we're (Harry, Hermione, Ron and I) in the library looking up away for him to breath underwater. Which is difficult as we've not covered anything like that in class yet. It makes me see why they set the age limit to seventeen and older in the first place.

"Tell us the clues again" Hermione tells Harry while Ron was nodding off.

'Come seek us where our voices sound' Harry recites.

"The Black Lake, that's obvious" I state as I take out an advance charms book.

'An hour long you'll have to look' Harry says reciting the next line.

"Again, obvious. Though admittedly potentially problematic" Hermione states.

"Potentially problematic? When was the last time you held your breath underwater for an hour, Hermione?" Harry asks her. I roll my eyes and start to read the Charms book.

"We can do this Harry, the four of us together can work this out" Hermione assures him.

"Hate to break up the skull session, Professor McGonagall wants to see you in her office" Professor Moody tells us. I sigh putting the charms book back as Harry goes to collect some of the other books with Ron. "Not you Potter and Mr Weasley, just Granger and Miss Weasley" Moody states. Hermione and I leave the library as I hear Moody call Neville over to help the other two put the books away.

(McGonagall's office)

"You wished to see us professor" Hermione says as we enter the room. I notice Cho Chang and another young girl that looks like Fleur also present. Including the headmasters of all three schools, Flitwick, Bagman and Percy.

"Good Miss Granger you and Miss Weasley have arrived, now we can begin" Professor McGonagall states.

"Now I trust you two want the next task is" Dumbledore says looking at Hermione and I.

"Of course, it's in the Black lake and the mermaids take something precious to the champions. They have an hour long to find it before it is gone forever" I explain.

"Very good Sarafina" Percy says smiling.

"Exactly and you are the precious things we are taking" Ludo states.

"I don't understand" the little girl says as Madame Maxime places a hand on her shoulder.

"I will be putting all of you into a deep sleep, before you are placed in the lake. Don't worry it is perfectly safe and once you resurface you will wake. You won't be gone forever" Dumbledore assures us.

"But isn't the water cold" Cho reminds him.

"Don't worry Madame Pomfrey will be waiting for when you get out of the lake. With warm blankets and will give you all a check up to ensure all is well" Flitwick assures her.

"Of course, we won't do this without your permission" Percy adds.

"Why does Harry have two people?" Cho asks looking at Hermione and I.

"Harry will be saving me Chang and Victor will be saving Hermione" I tell her.

"Correct as always Sarafina" Dumbledore says smiling. "Now do you all agree?" he asks and we all nod our heads. We sit down and he does the spell on us separately. "See you soon Sarafina, good luck" he tells me as I fall asleep.

(Next day in the lake) no one's POV

Harry had been searching the lake for nearly three quarters of an hour. Hermione and Sarafina did not appear to wish him good luck this morning. Neville has given him Gillyweed to us in the task, which is allowing him to breath underwater. He soon hears the song and follows the voices to see a mermaid choir singing near old ruins. He sees Hermione, Cho, Sarafina and an other girl tied to the lake floor.

He tries to release both Hermione and Sarafina, but the merfolk stop him. Saying he could only save one as Cedric appears releasing Cho. Looking at Harry he taps his watch with his wand before swimming to the surface. A human/shark appeared freeing Hermione and taking her to the surface. Harry frees Sarafina and looks around for Fleur before looking at the young girl. The merfolk had been scared off by Victor's shark head.

So Harry frees the other girl and starts to swim the surface with both girls with only his legs to propel him. Suddenly his legs are grabbed by grindy-lows and he pushes the girls up to the surface. As they surface Sarafina helps the girl over to the stands lifting her up first before climbing up.

"Where's Harry?" Hermione asks her and Sarafina looks around. Just then Harry shoots out of the water onto the platform. He is covered in blankets as Dumbledore speaks to the merfolk. Harry was awarded second place for moral fiber and he's friends smile at him.

"You saved Gabrielle even though she wasn't yours to save, thank you" Fleur says kissing Harry on the head. Before turning to Sarafina pulling her into a hug. "Thank you for helping save my sister" she tells her.

"It was a pleasure and don't you have a gift for your sister" Sarafina reminds her. Fleur smiles and leads Gabrielle away to the carriage. Everyone starts to head back to the castle when they hear someone call Sarafina's name. She turns to see Draco and tells the others to go on that she'd meet them in Gryffindor Tower for the party.

"Are you alright Sarafina?" Draco asks as they walk beside the forest.

"I am fine, it was just a deep sleeping spell" she assure him. "Though that water was cold" she adds giggling.

"Why were you chosen and not your brother? Isn't he Potter's best friend?" Draco asks.

"They already had three girls, I guess they wanted to make it all girls" she says shrugging. "I have to get back for the party, I'll see you tomorrow Draco" she assures him. They share a quick kiss before going their separate ways. When Sarafina reached Gryffindor tower she changes into warmer dry clothes. Before going to the party which lasted hours before McGonagall appeared telling everyone to go to bed.


Picture above of Hermione, Cho and Gabrielle. Picture on the external link of the Black Lake set up for the second task. Video above of the golden eggs clue.

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