Skeeter's Scoops

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Sarafina's POV

I was sitting in the library doing some light reading while the others went to explore. Harry still hasn't figured out the egg yet. It's boxing day and I was enjoying the peace and quite with Ginny. Suddenly Draco appears and walks over to us. "Can I help you Draco?" I ask him.

"Have you not read the Daily Prophet today?" he asks me.

"Nope, don't read since it started writing false accusations" I tell him and Ginny nods her head in agreement. "Besides I haven't received any post today" I add. "Why do you ask?" I ask him.

"Read this" he states handing me the prophet. The title says:

Romeo and Juliet or should I say Malfoy and Weasley

"Why are our names in the paper?" I ask him and this gets Ginny's attention.

"Keep reading" Draco tells me as he sits down.

Young Draco Malfoy invited none other then Sarafina Weasley to the Yule Ball. The two were seen dancing holding each other close. Not only did they go to the ball together, but they also kissed each other. Is this a new blossoming romance? Or has it been going on for a while?

One of my sources say "that tramp stole Draco from me, he and I were suppose to marry after school. But he broke off saying there was someone else."

An other source says "they've been friends since first year and that Miss Weasley even has a necklace with the Malfoy family crest on it. That mister Malfoy gave it to her." A Malfoy only gives out a family heirloom if they really love the person in question.

Still no comment on what the parents think of this relationship. Also no comment from the two young love birds. Are there wedding bells in the future? Me, myself and I want to know. Not to mention my rapid readers.

"How did she find out? No one was there when it happened" I tell Draco.

"I have no idea, but my father has made sure she'll write no more stories about our relationship. But I got tons of mail from people who have read the article. No doubt you have letters as well" he states.

"Um Fina, you might want to look at this" Ginny says pointing to an other article.

"Damn it, I have to go tell the others" I states standing up with the paper in hand. "Thank you for telling me Draco, we'll talk later" I promise him. Then kiss his cheek before running out of the library after Ginny said she'd get my things. I soon found the others in the court yard. "Guys you have to see this" I tell them.

"We saw the article about you and Draco" Hermione tells me gently.

"This isn't about me, it's about Hagrid" I tell her and this gains the boys attention. "See here in the column next to the article about me" I explain giving them the paper. They all read it in silence as I wait.

"How did she find out?" Ron and Harry ask me.

"No idea, how she find out about Hagrid or me" I tell them.

"Do you think she heard him tell Madame Maxime at the ball?" Hermione asks.

"We would have seen her in the garden" Ron tells her.

"Besides Dumbledore banned her from entering the school" I remind her.

"Maybe she has an invisibility cloak" Harry suggests.

"Maybe, but they are expensive" I tell him.

"We have to go see Hagrid" Harry states and we march down to Hagrid's hut. When we knocked on the door Fang's booming barks were heard. "Hagrid it's us, open up!" Harry shouts.

"Hagrid, that is enough!" Hermione and I shout. "We know you're in there and we don't care if your mother was a giantess. Get out here, you're being" we continue to rant when the door opened to reveal Professor Dumbledore.

"Good afternoon" he says smiling down at us. He let us in shutting the door behind us. Hagrid was sitting at his table with two mugs of tea looking terrible. Harry says hello and Hagrid looks up saying a quiet hi. "More tea I think" Dumbledore states and draws his wand making more tea. "Did you hear what Miss Granger and Miss Weasley were shouting Hagrid?" he asks making me blush with Hermione.

"Them along with Harry and mister Weasley still seem to want to know you. The way they were trying to knock down your door" Dumbledore states.

"Of course we do" Harry states.

"Do you really think we care about what that woman wrote about you? After what she has been saying about Harry, Hermione and I?" I ask him.

"Living proof of what I have been telling you Hagrid" Dumbledore states. "I told about the letters I got from former students who knew. Who said if I sacked you, they'd have something to say about it" he explains.

"Not all of the want me to stay" Hagrid tells him.

"Honestly Hagrid a week hasn't gone by since I became headmaster. That I get a letter complaining about how I'm running the school. But I don't barricade myself in my study and refuse to talk to people" Dumbledore states.

"You're not half giant" Hagrid tells him.

"Hagrid look at what I've got for relatives" Harry tells him. "The Dursleys" he states.

"An excellent point" Dumbledore states.

"Come back and teach Hagrid" Hermione tells him.

"Yeah, we miss you" I add.

"I refuse to accept your resignation Hagrid and expect you back when school starts again" Dumbledore tells him. "You will join my for breakfast tomorrow at eight o'clock, no excuses. Good afternoon" he states before leaving.

"Great man Dumbledore" Hagrid states as Ron helps himself to some of the cakes. Hagrid the got a picture of his father out and explains how proud he was when Hagrid got his letter. Then how he died in Hagrid's second year before Hagrid got expelled. How Dumbledore stuck up for him after his dad left. Then said how Dumbledore was right and that he was being stupid.

We all then talked about the possibility of Harry winning the Triwizard cup. It was nice to be able to forget both articles. Until I returned to my dorm to see the pails of letters on my bed. I destroyed most of them, not even bothering to read them. Except the ones from my family, friends and Draco's mum.


Picture above of Skeeter's article about Hagrid and the article on the external link.

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