Rest of the Holidays

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Sarafina's POV

The others got back safely and Mum nearly strangled the twins when she hugged them. Dad went to the ministry straight away with Percy as there was a lot of work to be done regarding the attack. Our Hogwarts letters arrived and apparently Hermione, Harry, Ron, Fred, George and I all need dress robes. Hermione said she'd get hers from Hogsmeade and I got a pink & light green dress.

However it's a little tight around the chest though. But Mum says as I have my own money and if Ginny ends up needing a dress. That I could give it to her and then get a newer one for myself from Hogsmeade. Ron got Great Aunt Jesse's old maroon dress robes which I teased him about along with the twins. When Mum wasn't around of course.

Draco has sent me some letters and I have replied to a few. Hermione and Ginny know I am trying to friends with him again. I am also wearing his necklace again, but it feels different then before. It has always felt right wearing it, but now it feels more intimate wearing his family's crest around my neck. Like I belong there, though I made Draco know we are only friends and nothing more.

Hermione and I went to her house for the rest of the holidays. Though Mum was reluctant giving want had happened at the World Cup. But Dad talked her around saying we met them at the station. I told Draco where to send the letters, but not who I was with as he is still anti-muggle.

Jean (Hermione's Mum) started giving Hermione and I some dance lessons. Which were a lot of fun, except for the small heels. Yuki came with me as well and spends most of her time with Crookshanks. But she eats more then usual and is gaining some weight the past few days. School starts Sunday and it is Friday today.

I have dropped the Quidditch team much to Fred and George's disappointed. But they understand I want to focus on my classes and my trainee-ship with Hagrid. Who had asked if I wanted to help him this year, because I am so good with magical creatures. Besides it gives me a reason to go into the forest and be able to turn into a mountain lion occasionally.

Dumbledore has had me do some work for him even by spying in my animagus form. My mum was not pleased at all, besides it was only once and I was with a trained auror named Tonks. We were trying to find out some more information on the attack. Speaking of Sirius has also sent me letters along with Lupin asking if I was ok. Sirius also sent one to Harry asking if he was ok. We had both sent letters back assuring both we were fine and as were everyone else.

Hermione and I have also been reading our school books for the year. We had also gone shopping, to the park and the cinema to see 'The Mask'. Who had a comedian actor named Jim Carrey and he was hilarious. It was utterly Riddikulus, pun intended.

The night before we had to go back Henry (Hermione's Dad) decided to us all to dinner. As Hermione and I had already packed everything including my dress. Hermione has looked in some stores and has found one, but won't show it to me. She just told me it was a darker pink then mine and is a full-length.  We ended up going to an Italian restaurant and I had pizza while Hermione had pasta. Her mum had a salad while her dad had a slice of lasagna.


Picture of Sarafina's formal dress above and of Ron's maroon Dress-robes on the external link.

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