Four Champions?

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Sarafina's POV

It was a long day and I saw Yuki again along with her kittens before Ginny dragged me to the feast. Tonight is Halloween and the three champions would be picked for the tournament. I just wanted it over so that I could go help move Yuki and her kitten's into my dorm room. Dumbledore then told us the Goblet of Fire had not made it's decision yet and the feast began.

Harry, Ron, Fred and George discussed who they thought would be the Hogwarts champion. They all wanted it to be Angelina from our house. But I also heard that Cedric had entered the tournament as well. He's in trouble now, he did not tell me he was entering and I don't want him to get hurt. The feast was finally over and Dumbledore stood up again as we all face him.

Dumbledore said there was about a minute to go before the Goblet made it's decision. He then told us where to go if we were selected as a champion. Where they'd receive their first instructions about the tournament. Just the the fire in the goblet turned red and a piece of paper flew out. "The champion for Durmstrang will be Victor Krum" Dumbledore announces after catching and reading the paper. They cheered as Victor left the room, but I saw Vlad was nervous for his brother's safety.

Once the cheering and clapping died down we all looked back at the goblet. It turned red again and this a blue piece of paper flew out. "The Champion for Beauxbatons is Fleur Delacour" Dumbledore announces. It was time to find out who the Hogwarts champion was.

The last paper appeared as the fire turned red one last time and Dumbledore caught the paper. "The champion for Hogwarts is..." he stops for some suspense. Before shouting "Cedric Diggory!" and the whole Hufflepuff table cheer. I clap as well, but am still going to give Cedric a lecture on entering the tournament without telling me.

"Excellent, we now have our three champions" Dumbledore states after Cedric left the room. "Now I expect you  all to give them support including the remaining members of Beauxbatons and Durmstrang. By cheering your champion on..." he starts to say when the fire turns red again.

"I thought it suppose to only do that three times" I whisper to Hermione and she shrugs confused. Dumbledore caught the piece of paper and read it.

"Harry Potter" he reads aloud and everyone goes silent. Professor McGonagall stands and goes to Dumbledore. She starts whispering in his ear as Harry told us he hadn't put his name in. I believed him, he's not that stupid and he would have told us if he had been planing too. "Harry Potter, up here please" Dumbledore calls and Hermione pushes Harry forward.

Harry walked down the tables and stood in front of Dumbledore. Who told him to go through the door like the other three had done. Once Harry Dumbledore turned to the rest of us saying "return to your dormitories." Before he left with Karkaroff, Maxime, Snape, McGonagall, Ludo, Crouch and Moody through the back door.

"I don't believe Harry put his name in" I tell the others as we leave the hall.

"He did" Ron states annoyed.

"Did he tell you that he's put his name in?" I ask.

"No, but why would he? He always wants attention" Ron states.

"You're being stupid Ron, he'd never lie to you or us" I remind him before leaving with Ginny to the Hospital Wing. "Madame Pomfrey I think it'd be best if the kittens stay here" I state as we enter the room.

"Yes that maybe best, no doubt there will be many celebrations in Gryffindor Tower in the near future. Why don't we move them to Hagrid's tomorrow?" she asks and I nod my head agreeing. "I'll send him an owl and let you know his answer tomorrow. Otherwise they can stay here" she tells me.

"Thank you Madame Pomfrey" I tell her and leave with Ginny to Gryffindor tower. When we got there was a party already in swing and I was glad with our decision not to move the kittens. Fred and George pulled me up onto a table with them. I rolled my eyes, but began dancing with them anyway after pulling Ginny up as well.

"Goodnight boys" Ginny states as we leave half an hour later to go to bed. Once I reached my dorm I brushed my teeth and changed into my pj's. Before crawling into bed, it felt weird without Yuki beside me. But I still fell asleep easily enough.


Picture above of the four school champions.

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