Letters and Separation

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Sarafina's POV

I'm grounded when summer comes according to both mum and Dad. Their letter said we'd have serious talk about this when I get home. Sirius and Remus are confused as to why I'd date a Malfoy. I sent them replies explaining how Draco and I were friends since the end of first year. But fought constantly and that he treats me right & makes me happy no matter how angry I am at him. Bill and Charlie were demanding an explanation. Astrid said I told you so. Now Mrs Malfoy's letter said this:

Dear Sarafina,

I know my son has liked you very much since your first year at Hogwarts. He's told me a lot about you, don't let others dictate your life. My husband was not entirely thrilled at your relationship, but is happy you're a pureblood. Don't let him get to you.

Now the real reason I am writing is because I want to meet you. Lucius has and Draco sees you all the time at school. Draco informed me of your next Hogsmeade trip, please meet me in the Three Broomsticks at lunch time. Hope to see you soon my dear.

Yours Sincerely,

Narcissa Malfoy (nee Black)

I sent her reply agreeing to meet her using a school owl. Yuki's kittens are now old enough to go to new homes. So today they are being given to their new owners. The next task is in ten weeks time. Harry still hasn't figured out the egg though, but I think the other three have. I see them in the library reading charm or transfiguration books. Along with ones about underwater creatures.

Just then Yuki appears with her six kittens greeting me with purrs. "Hello girl, are you ready for today?" I ask her. She gives me an annoyed look. "You'll still see them for the rest of this year and I promise Fleur along with her sister will take good care of Bella & Snowy" I assure her.

Just then Ginny appears with Padma and Parvati in tow. "Hey girls, it's time who wants their kitten?" I ask. They all cheer nodding their heads and I pick up Patchy first. "Here you are Ginny, take care of Patchy now" I tell her as she holds him close. I then pick up Tom and Jerry who had been play wrestling. "Make sure these two don't cause to much mischief" I tell the girls as I give Padma Jerry and Parvati Tom. They smile nodding their heads before switching the kittens and leaving.

"Just three left now" Ginny states and I sigh looking at the Siamese kittens.

"Yes, Yuki are you coming?" I ask as I put the final three into a basket covering them in a warm blanket. Yuki meows as she jumps onto my shoulder. I set off to find Luna first and find her wondering the halls alone. "Hey Luna" I say smiling as I reach her.

"Oh hello Sarafina" she says in her usual dreamy voice.

"Cinnamon is eight weeks old now, so take good care of her" I tell her as I give her Cinnamon.

"Oh I will and thank you again" Luna says smiling.

"Your welcome and Yuki may come over to Ravenclaw Tower occasionally to check in on her" I tell her.

"That's fine, see you around" Luna says smiling before leaving. It's time to find Fleur and she is probably in the Beauxbatons carriage. So I head outside and head for the carriage. Once there I knock on the door and Madame Maxime opens the door.

"Hello, I am here to deliver some kittens to Fleur Delacour" I explain and she nods her head. She invites me in and has me wait in a foyer while she informs Fleur of my arrival. I know what magic can do, but this is amazing. About five minutes letter Fleur appears with Iris her (Fleur's) hair wet. "Hey Fleur and Iris, Fleur I have yours and you sister's kittens for you" I state gesturing to the basket.

"Thank you, Sarafina" Fleur says smiling. "Gabrielle and I will take good care of Bella and Snowy" she assures me.

"I know you will and you can keep the basket, it'll help them settle in having something familiar around" I tell her. "By the way, Yuki will visit occasionally to make sure they are okay" I add. "It's hard for her losing all her kittens, especially with these two moving so far away" I explain.

"I understand and know you are both welcome in my home if you ever wish to visit them" Fleur tells me.

"You're also welcome at my house" Iris adds.

"Thanks that means a lot, I need to go back now see you two around" I tell them. "Come along Yuki" I say and she jumps into my arms. We leave the carriage and head back to the castle going inside. I have Ginny look after Yuki while I go help Hagrid tend to the magical creatures in his care.


Picture above of Beauxbatons Academy and remember pictures of the kittens now on the chapter 'Many Kittens' (link below).

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