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Sarafina's POV

"Charlie" I cheer running over to my big brother giving him a big hug. "Why didn't you tell me you're coming? Why are you here?" I ask him as Ron appears beside me.

"Let the man breath Sarafina" Ron scolds me gently. We had made an agreement not to speak about Harry. Otherwise we'll get into an other big fight and I knew Ron would realize Harry was telling the truth eventually.

"Dragons are apart of the first task" Charlie states shrugging. "Is it true Harry entered the tournament?" he asks.

"Yes/No" Ron and I said glaring at each other afterwards.

"Someone entered Harry into the tournament, who ever it was is either very powerful or used dark magic. Harry didn't enter his name in even though Ron doesn't believe him" I explain.

"He did enter himself in" Ron states.

"No he did not and until you grow up don't talk to me" I tell him before storming off to see the dragons. "Hey Astrid, so what dragons did you bring?" I ask one of the trainers. She's a little younger then Charlie, but is an amazing dragon trainer. Charlie introduced us the last time I visited him in Romania.

"Chinese Fireball, Hungarian horn-tail, Swedish Short-snout and Welsh green" she tells me smiling after giving me a hug.

"Who gets want dragon?" I ask her as we walk through the camp.

"No idea, each dragon has a number and want number the champion gets is the dragon they face" she states.

"I doubt they'd have to knock the dragon out it takes a team of trainers to stun a dragon" I tell her.

"The dragons all have eggs and there'll be a golden egg among them. All the champions need to do is get the golden egg without damaging the real eggs to much" she explains.

"That'll still be difficult, especially for Harry" I tell her.

"That's the point of the challenge, don't worry a team of trainers are on stand by if things get out of hand. I also heard your school nurse will be there to heal the champions after they've faced their dragon" she reassures me. She went to a school near southern Europe.  "So what's this about you going with the Malfoys to the World Cup?" she asks smirking.

"I didn't go with them, I went with my family, Hermione and Harry. But we had more people then chairs. As we climbed to out seats Draco appeared with his father. He started to brag about being invited to the minsters book by Cornelius Fudge. His father then said they had a spare seat and invited me as I was friends with Draco. At first I didn't want to go, but I did go and actually had fun. Draco gave me back the necklace he gave me on the first Christmas at Hogwarts. So now we're trying to be friends again and that is all" I explain.

"Oh you two will be together before you finish school" she states giggling and I punch her shoulder. "Hey that's my move" she pouts and I giggle this time. Just then I saw Charlie heading our way without Ron.

"Where's Ronald?" I ask him.

"Gone to see Hagrid and bring him here to see the dragons" Charlie answers.

"That'll be great, Hagrid loves dragons. How's Norbert?" I ask him.

"You mean Norberta, turns out he is a she and she is expecting her first babies" he tells me smiling.

"That's amazing, I wish I could work with dragons like you and Astrid" I tell him.

"Just keep studying and listen to Hagrid" Charlie tells me.

"Yeah don't worry you'll be taming Dragons soon enough" Astrid assures me. For the next hour or so they told me about the dragons they had brought. Hagrid arrived and asked Charlie about Norberta. Ron had apparently gone back to the castle and I too left.

(First Task)

I sat next to Hermione who had just gotten back from wishing Harry good luck. Cedric went first against his dragon and turned a boulder into a dog to distract the dragon. It worked at first and he got the egg, got burnt. Victor shoot a spell in his dragon's eyes and he smashed half of the real eggs. But he still got his egg and Fleur got hers. Now it's Harry's turn and he's going against the Hungarian Horn-tail.

"Your wand Harry, your wand!" Hermione and I shout at him as he hid behind a boulder as the dragon shoot fire at him. Harry finally used his wand summoning his broom. He managed to get the dragon to raise it's front half leaving it's eggs unprotected. Harry dived and retrieved the egg but got clipped by dragon's spiked tail.

"Still think he enter himself into the tournament?" I ask Ron. All he does is nod his head before he leaves with our siblings. "I'm going to go see Harry" I tell Hermione before leaving. However, when I reach the bottom of the I bump into someone.

"Are we always going to meet like this?" someone asks chuckling and I see it's Vlad.

"Probably, I'm sorry for bumping into you again" I tell him. "Shame Victor didn't come first" I state.

"No it's not, one of your champions came first" he tells and we chuckle. "You know we should talk more often" he adds.

"Sure we could go down to the quidditch pitch and fly around" I tell him.

"I don't mind flying, but I'm in my O.W.L year and should be studying" he tells me.

"Great we could study together in the library" I suggest and he nods his head. We then went our separate ways, him to the lake and me to the castle. I had completely forgotten about seeing Harry. But I'd see him at the party in the common room tonight anyway.


Picture above of Vladimir  and picture on the external link of Iris.

Sarafina: Book 4Where stories live. Discover now