Chapter 26

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**Carter's POV**

Ryan and I were just laying in bed.

"What time is it?" I asked Ryan

Ryan grabbed his phone off the table beside the bed "it's almost 6. Wanna go grab some dinner"

"Ryan!!!" There was a knock well more like bang on our door "do you wanna go eat dinner with us?"

"That's A.J. and Vinny I bet you" Ryan said jumping out of bed trying to find his pants

I grabbed my bag and ran to the bathroom to find some clothes. I changed into some yoga pants and a t-shirt then walked out to find A.J. and Vinny talking to Ryan

"Do you wanna go out to eat with them and Ricky?" Ryan asked

"Yeah, that's fine" I said pulling my hair into a ponytail

"Ok, are you ready now, or?"

"No, I'm good."

"You mean we don't have to wait for you to plan an outfit or put on makeup?" Vinny said

I laughed "I already touched up my makeup and I doubt we're going to a fancy place so yoga pants will do"

"Wow, you're awesome" A.J. said

I laughed and followed the boys out the door.

"There's this local restaurant right down the street that has good reviews online" Ricky said joining us in the evaluator

"Do you eat meat?" Vinny asked me

"Yeah? Why?"

"The other girls are vegan which isn't bad, but sometimes they make us go to these weird vegan places that we don't always like."

"Oh, I hate vegan food. No offense to vegans but their food isn't always good"

The guys laughed and we walked to the restraunt. We sat at a table together, and ordered our food

"So, Carter? What's it like being a teacher?" Vinny asked

"It's amazing! I've always wanted to be a teacher"

"What kids do you teach?" A.J. asked

"They're all four years old. Most of them have special needs though"

"What kind of special needs?" Ricky asked

"Some are emotional, some mental, and some physical or medical"

"She's amazing isn't she?" Ryan said smiling

I blushed and looked down

"So, why Ryan? I mean he's so different from you" A.J. asked

I giggled a little "he's pretty amazing don't you think? The way his eyes twinkle in the light, or the way his hands-"

"OK!! We get it!" Ricky said

Ryan and I laughed and ate more food than we probably should have.

"Good night, guys. It was really fun"I said as we got to our room

"Night, I'll see you tomorrow!"

Ryan and I walked into our room, and both kicked off our shoes then sat on the couch

"You're friends are cool" I said

"I'm glad you approve"

"I'm just nervous to have coffee with Gaia and Kylie tomorrow"

"You'll be fine. We have an interview in the morning, but if you need me just text me. I should be done by the time you get back"

"I'm sure we'll be ok."

I sure hope so anyway.....

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