Chapter 13

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**Carter's POV**
a few months later

"Happy birthday, Ryan!!!!" I said as he entered my kitchen

"Thanks, Carter" he said hugging me tightly

"I made you a cake, and I got you a gift"

"Carter, you didn't have to."

"I know, but I wanted too! Now open your gift!"

Ryan slowly opened the box to reveal a nice black watch

"Carter. You really shouldn't have done this"

"Ryan, I wanted too. It's your birthday and your my best friend"

"Thank you, Carter"

"You're welcome, baby- Ryan. Ryan, you are welcome"

Ryan and I didn't know what to say. We both just sat there in awkward silence for a moment.

"Do you want some cake?" I asked cutting the cake before he could answer

"Uh, yeah. That'd be nice"

"So, ready for tour? You leave next week right?"

"Yeah, I leave next week. I'll only be gone a month"

"That's good. Hopefully you have a stop close to Scranton"

Over the last few months Ryan and I have gotten very close. Ryan even met Kyle and they seem to get along well.

"I'm sure we will. Are you gonna come to a show? You have yet to be to one"

"Well, my boyfriend is a country music guy, ya know"

"So? You can do things without him you know"

"I'm aware"

Ryan stayed for a while longer then headed home. Things are very awkward between us since I called him "baby" I don't even know why I did it. I didn't mean too it just kinda slipped out

"Oh, Carter!" Kyle said coming into my house

"What's up?" I asked

"I'm gonna take you out tomorrow night. So dress fancy"

"What's the special occasion?"

"I just wanna take a pretty girl out. What's so wrong with that?"

"Nothing I guess. I do have work tomorrow though."

"I know, but after work"

"Ok, it's a date then"

"I have to get these lesson plans done." I said looking at the papers in front of me

"What's the plan for next week?"

"Farm week. The kids are gonna learn about farm animals and the food farmers grow"

"That's awesome. We should buy a farm, and then raise a family on it"

I giggled "let's make it through farm week with my 4 year olds first"

**Ryan's POV**

"Ryan, you know this is like a thousand dollar watch" Chris said looking at it

"I know! Why would she buy this for me?"

"She's your best friend. She just wanted you to have something nice"

"She called me baby"

"What!?! Ryan you should've started with that"

"It was an accident"

"You don't know that"

"She has a boyfriend. Who she loves very much I might add" I said

"Why are you so angry about that?"

"I'm not! I'm just so confused! Why would she buy me such an expensive thing?"

"I don't know Ryan. Girls are confusing"

I sighed and looked at the watch that I could never wear. Especially, around Kyle. That's one fight I don't ever want to fight

What do you think about Carter's gift to Ryan? Was it to much? Also, do you think Ryan is falling for Carter?

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