Chapter 21

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**Carter's POV**

"So, what do you think?" I asked

"Carter, you can't give up this amazing opportunity just to stay here with me. Pittsburgh isn't that far. We would make it work"

"It's not just our relationship. I love the school I'm at now. I can't abandon my kids or Kelly and Tayler. I want to stay here in Scranton. It's just a plus that your gonna be home when I get off work."

"Well, if this is what you truly want then I support you"

I smiled "I'm gonna miss those lips when your on tour" I said kissing him

"I'm gonna miss you too. Are you gonna come visit me?"

"As much as I can. It's hard when I work all week."

"I know its hard but we will make it work"

"Yes, we will make it work, but right now I'm gonna go make us dinner because your girl is starving"

Ryan smirked "my girl. I like that"

I smiled and went downstairs to start cooking dinner.

"Oh, babe! Guess what!" I told Ryan as he entered the kitchen

"Your gonna quit your job and come on tour with me?"

I laughed "I wish, but I have a school vacation that's a week long while your on tour so I can come see you!"

"That's awesome babe! You'll get to meet the rest of our crew"

"I'm just worried about your fans. I mean are you gonna tell them you have a girlfriend? I've never dated a famous person before"

Ryan laughed "I'm not famous, but it's up to you. The fans know Ricky has a girlfriend, but she keeps out of the spotlight"

"Can we do that maybe? I don't mind your fans knowing I'm your girlfriend. I just don't want them to know everything."

"We can do that. I can still share pictures of you on my instagram right?"

I giggled "I don't care. I'm happy we're together. I wanna share our happiness"

"Then come here"

I walked over to Ryan and wrapped my arms around his waist. Ryan put his arm around me and let his hand rest on my butt.

"Seriously?" I said laughing

Ryan shrugged and he snapped a picture with his phone

"Does this meet your approval?" Ryan asked

"Yes, I like it."

Ryan smiled then posted it on Instagram

Ryanmiw just having a chill night with my girl.

I smiled at Ryan's post and liked it then left a comment

Miss_CarterM my handsome man;)

"What do you want for a side? I'm making chicken" I told Ryan

"Hmm, how about squash?"

I laughed "Seriously?"

"No, how about potatos?"

"Sounds good to me"

I finished our dinner then I put it on plates and set the table. Then I put cupcake's food down

"This smells and looks amazing!" Ryan said as he sat down beside me.

"Thanks babe"

"So, I know you met a lot of people today, but there's a few more I want you to meet"

"I'll meet them under one condition"

"And what's that" Ryan asked

"You meet my parents"

Different Worlds, Same Interests Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora