Chapter 14

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**Carter's POV**

I curled the last piece of my hair then double checked my makeup.

"Are you ready?" Kyle asked entering my room

"Yes I am. You look amazing" I said looking at Kyle in his suit

"You look amazing" he said lightly kissing me

I blushed "thank you"

Kyle and I headed out for our date night.

"So, I have a bit of a surpirse" Kyle said pulling into an empty lot and parking


"Get out I wanna show you something"

I got out and followed Kyle to the middle of the empty lot

"What is this about?" I asked

"Well, in a few months my restaurant will be on this lot"

"What!? Are you serious! That's so amazing!" I said kissing him

"I have another thing I wanted to talk to you about"

"And what's that?"

"Carter, will you marry me?"

**Ryan's POV**

"We're gonna be in Scranton next week. Are you gonna invite Carter?" Ricky asked

"Yeah. I doubt she'll come but I am going to invite her"

"Why wouldn't she come?"

"Her boyfriend isn't into the music we play. So she's never wanted to come watch us"

"Hmm, hopefully she'll come. All of us want to meet her"

"Yeah! Kylie and I want another girl to hang out with! You boys get boring" Gaia said

"I said I would ask her."

"What's Carter like anyway? Would she fit in with us?" Ghost asked

"Carter will fit in with anyone. She's very easy going"

"Well that's good."

"Yeah, I'm gonna go call her. I haven't talked to her today"

I went to my bunk and called Carter

"I was just about to call you!"

I chuckled "oh yeah? What's going on"

"Kyle and I are engaged!!"

"Your-your en-engaged? Like your gonna marry him?"

Carter laughed "Yes silly! I'm so happy"

"I'm happy for you. Hey, we're about to have a band meeting I'll call you later"

I hung up before she could say another word. I don't want her marrying him. He isn't good for her. He controls her. Last time we played Scranton Carter was going to come watch it, but Kyle told her she couldn't go. Then Carter and I had plans to hang out before I left for tour, and Kyle conveniently got sick that day and needed Carter to stay home. I've never liked Kyle, but I've delt with him and all his stupidity for Carter. She kept texting me asking if I was ok. I ignored all of her messages. I just want to forget about that conversation. I want to forget that I ever thought I had a chance to be with Carter. I hate that I got so wrapped up in a girl who had no intrest in dating me. I also hate that I finally have to admit that I have deep feelings for Carter. I love her as more than my best friend. I would marry her. I have no idea where to go from here.

Do you think Ryan Over reacted about the news? Do you think he'll tell Carter how he feels before its to late?

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