Chapter 7

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**Carter's POV**

Ryan and I haven't spoken since that night. Things went way to far and there's no going back. I shouldn't have slept with him. What was I thinking? I'm so stupid.

"Carter? Is everything ok?" Kelly asked

We didn't have kids today. We have a teacher's only work day. So we're trying to get as much done in the classroom to prepare for the next few weeks.

I shrugged "I guess. I just-I don't know"

"Wanna talk about it?" Tayler asked

I got up from my desk and closed my classroom door and sighed "I slept with Ryan"

"What!!??" Kelly and Tayler said at the same time

"It was a huge mistake! One minute we're washing dishes and he's telling me how he drank some guys pee then he was shirtless kissing me on my bed"

"Ok, we'll get back to that pee story later, but Carter it wasn't a mistake. You're both adults"

"But I'm not that kind of girl! I didn't sleep with Kyle till we we're dating for a year, and I just now gave it up to some guy I bearly know!!!"

Kyle is my ex boyfriend. We broke up like 2 years ago, but I haven't had a boyfriend since.

"Carter, it's ok to hook up with someone. Don't beat yourself over this, and you said he's on tour right? So, you won't have to worry about him for a month." Kelly said

"It doesn't matter. He probably won't talk to me after that. Most guys don't"

"But Ryan isn't like that!" Tayler said

I raised one of my eyebrows at her "how would you know that?"

"I've heard of his band before and they're actually pretty good, and they seem really cool!"

I stood there in disbelief. Of course she knew who his band was. This only makes matters worse! I have no idea what to do now.

**Ryan's POV**

I'm at a meet and greet now, and all I can think about is Carter. I should have never slept with her. Not because it was bad. That's not the case. She was amazing. I'm just not the type of guy to sleep with a girl and then leave and not talk to her. I just don't know what I would tell her. 

"That's everyone" Kylie said

We all walked backstage to get ready for tonight's show.

"Still thinking about that girl?" Vinny asked

"Yeah, I feel awful"

"Most guys feel great after they get some. Why do you feel bad?" Chris asked

"I haven't even tried to talk to her since then. I ment to call her but I just got busy with tour and stuff. She probably thinks I just used her and that I'm never going to talk to her again"

"Why do you care so much?" Vinny asked, then he snapped his fingers and gasped "You like this girl!!"

"No I don't! I like her as a friend! Nothing more"

"Then why are you stressing over this?"

Because I care for her and I don't want to lose her. I would never say that out load of course.

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