Chapter 17

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**Ryan's POV**

Carter is still asleep in my room and I'm in the kitchen making coffee.

Knock knock

I sighed and went to the door. I opened it to find Jamie and Ricky standing outside

"Let me guess, you forgot we were coming over" Jamie said walking in

"Well, I had a visitor last night" I said going back into the kitchen

"That would explain the car outside. Who is it?" Ricky asked



"She came over after midnight last night. She called her wedding off, or she's going to she hasn't yet"

"What happened?" Jamie asked

"He hit her. I could've killed him I was so mad when I found out. I probably still could if the sorry sack of skin was in front of me"

"Calm down. Are you sure he hit her?" Ricky asked

"Why would she lie about something like this? And she had a burise on her face, and a few on her back and arms.
I saw them when she went to sleep last night. She doesn't know I know though"

"Wow. So, what's gonna happen now?"

"I don't know. She has next week off from work. I'll probably help her get her life together if she still takes the time off"


I turned around to see Carter walking shyly into my kitchen

"Are you ok?" I asked bringing her into a hug

"I will be. Who is this?"

"Oh, this is Ricky and his girlfriend, Jamie. She's a teacher too"

Carter's eyes lit up "What do you teach?"

"Elementary biology. You?" Jamie answered

"Preschool. My kids all have special needs so I work with them to get them ready for kindergarten"

Jamie and Carter hit it off and talked for hours while Ricky and I worked on some new music.

"So, Miss. Carter what's the plan?" I asked as we ate dinner

"Well, I talked to Kyle and broke it off. He was furious of course, but I'm glad he's out of my life. I also cancelled everything for the wedding and told all our guests."

"I'm sorry you have to go through all of this. Is there anything I can do for you?"

Carter sighed "No, I don't think so"

"Are you sure?"

"Well, I kinda wanna move. I don't want Kyle knowing where I live, and I saw you had an extra bedroom, and I was just maybe wondering- and I know it's a lot to ask but"

"You can move in for as long as you need. I'm not home much anyways so it'll be nice to get some use out of this apartment."

"Thank you, Ryan. I can't thank you enough for everything"

"What are friends for?"

Carter smiled "I guess I should cover this up since I have work tomorrow" she said pointing to the mark on her face

"It'll all be ok. I'll help you get back on your feet"

Carter smiled at me "your amazing Ryan." She kissed my cheek then went to feed cupcake.

At least I hope everything will work out

Alright, so this story kinda took a sad turn, but everything is going to start looking up! Also, Jamie isn't a teacher she just is in the story

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