Chapter 11

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Author's Note: Sorry for the wait but please don't complain about it, it takes time to be great, lol. Anywho, here's the drama for you and I hope you all enjoy. 

Ps. I see you guys inboxing me, sorry for not replying. Don't think I'm ignoring you, I'll reply soon. Oh, and I may be updating my other stories soon, not sure but don't be too mad about me taking so long, thanks. 

Chapter 11

Camillo clutched the phone tightly as he listened to the information one of his personal security guards ran by him. The thought of his daughter being hurt by someone that he’d put his trust in upset him severely. Camillo had invested a lot of time in his partnership with Mace, and he was disappointed to learn of this recent news.

Mace had operated his cocoa fields properly thus far and was making major money; therefore, Camillo was making major money. But when it came to blood, Camillo could care less about the money. Camillo didn’t even care of the details of how his daughter received her wounds, he knew that she was invited by Mace and so Camillo considered this his fault.

Camillo ended the call with his security, and soon after his phone began ringing again. He saw that it was Catalina, his daughter. He answered. 

“¿Hola?” he said into the phone. Camillo sat behind his handmade oak wood desk and ran his hand through his thick, salt and pepper hair.

He listened as Catalina whimpered into the phone. He sighed.  “Cariño, habla conmigo. Dime lo que pasó.” He said. Sweetheart, talk to me. Tell me what happened.

He gave Catalina a moment to gather herself before replying. “Papá, no pasó nada. Te lo juro, no pasó nada. Por favor, no hagas caso a lo que dice Maurice ... él no sabe nada. Mace fue agradable para mí, junto con su familia.” She said, barely able to speak. Daddy, nothing happened. I swear, nothing happened. Please, don't listen to what Maurice says... he doesn't know anything. Mace was nice to me, along with his family. Maurice was the security guard that Camillo received the call from.

She knew how her father was and she wanted nothing more than to save Mace from what was to come. Camillo heard what his daughter was saying but her explanation meant nothing to him at this moment. His mind was made and he was out for blood.

“Lo siento, mi amor. Mi decisión está tomada ... usted es regresar a casa inmediatamente. Estoy enviando un jet a venir y te metes en una hora. Maurice es que te acompañe a casa, y luego regresará a los Estados Unidos. Usted ya no es seguro allí, Catalina ... Tienes que venir a casa.” Camillo stressed to his daughter. I'm sorry, my love. My mind is made... you are to return home immediately. I am sending for a jet to come and get you in an hour. Maurice is to escort you back home, and he will then return back to the states. You are no longer safe there, Catalina... you must come home.

Catalina sobbed loudly into the phone, unable to contain the frog in her throat. “No, papá! Quiero quedarme, no puedes hacerme volver, soy mayor de edad para tomar mis propias decisiones ... Me voy a quedar.” With that being said, Catalina ended the call. No, daddy! I want to stay, you can't make me come back, I am of age to make my own decisions... I'm staying.


Catalina paced back in forth in her hotel room. She was disturbed by the conversation that she’d just had with her father. She only wished that she could take back what happened, the mistakes that she’d made. She never wanted to bring any harm to anyone, especially herself. She knew  that her father would be upset with her if she disobeyed his orders but she no longer cared… she had caused this and she was going to stop it before things got out of hand. She attempted to call Mace but he wouldn’t answer, sending her calls to voicemail.

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