Thought You Could Fool Me?

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"OK, team! Time to focus if we're gonna beat their sorry asses!" Annabeth yelled to the members of the red team, including Percy and Will. Percy gulped at how frightening Annabeth could be during Capture the Flag.

She started giving people instructions on what to do. "Will, go with Percy to sneak around the outskirts of the forest. Try and get to the flag. The rest of us will draw their defenses away and fight their offenses." Will agreed. It shouldn't be too hard right? After all, there had to be only one or two people guarding the blue team's flag. Will started going around with words of encouragement, spreading his energetic attitude around wherever he went.

On the other side of the forest stood the blue team, with Clarisse as their leader. "OK, punks! Ya better put all your effort into this! I will not have slackers on my team! We will pummel the red team, got it?" Everyone nodded, including Nico, who didn't even want to be here. But nooo, it'll be fun, his boyfriend had said. A great way to start the day.

"Nico, you're on guarding duty!" Nico only grunted in response and headed towards their blue flag in the middle of a secluded clearing.

Soon a loud horn sounded, signifying the start of the game.


After running for 10 minutes straight, Will was already tired out. After all, he was a natural healer, not fighter. Running beside him was Percy, who held up a lot better. In the distance both demigods could hear swords and other weapons clanging together and campers clashing with each other.

"Hey, I think I see the blue flag," said Percy, as they stopped behind a particularly large tree.

Once Will caught his breath again, he peered out from their hiding spot behind the tree and saw the blue flag being guarded by Nico.

Almost immediately, Will thought of a plan. Maybe I can charm Nico into letting his guard down. Then Percy can sneak up and grab the flag. Without thinking much else, he excitedly shared the plan with Percy, who agreed without hesitation. And so they set their plan into action.


Nico was already bored and it was only 10 minutes in. He expected some action by now so he could bust out some new training moves he had been working on.

So there he was, wandering aimlessly around the flag, swinging his Stygian iron sword, and muttering some choice words directed at Will and his ability to make Nico wake up at this ungodly hour to actually do stuff.

His train of thoughts were suddenly broken when he heard a rustle coming from a bush on his right. He jumped and got into a fighting stance, directing his sword in the vicinity of the area where the sound came from.

However, he lowered his sword, though not is guard, down when he saw that it was Will.

"Hey Nico!" Will said enthusiastically, as usual.

Nico felt the corners of his lips tug up at the sight of his boyfriend. Will's hair was plastered to his forehead from sweat, though his startling blue eyes maintained a mischievous gleam in them.

"Hey, Will...What's up? Aren't you supposed to, you know, come charging at me to try and get the flag?" Nico asked, hesitantly. His suspicion was growing every moment Will stood there not attacking.

"Uh, yeah! Actually, I came here to, uh, talk with you!" Will replied.

Hmm, strange, Nico thought. But then he noticed how Will's eyes kept glancing towards behind him. It's a setup, Nico immediately thought. OK, so that's how you want to play it, Solace? Nico could practically feel a smug grin growing on his face but stopped himself. He was gonna beat Will at his own game.


Will was nervous. He tried his best to sound confident and thought that he was doing a pretty decent job since Nico seemed more relaxed than when he first approached him. Whew, you can do this, Will.

Will was racking his brain for what to say next when Nico asked, "So what did you want to talk to me about?"

He was screwed. He clearly didn't think ahead with this plan. "Well—" He started to say something when he suddenly heard a twig snap out of nowhere behind Nico. His eyes darted towards the noise and saw that Percy was a few feet away from the flag. Percy's eyes widened and he stood there like a deer caught in headlights.

He quickly averted his gaze back to Nico, thinking that they were caught but was surprised to see that Nico hadn't done anything. Perhaps he didn't hear it.

"So do you wanna get outta here and talk somewhere else?" Will asked, eager to get away from the situation.

Nico nodded and Will saw this as a chance to grab his hand and lead him away.

Everything was going according to plan. Until it didn't. Nico, with blinding speed, yanked his hand away from Will's, his other one already on his sword, which hung from his chain belt. Nico grabbed his sword and spun around, pointing it dangerously close next to Percy's throat.

Percy stared at the tip of the sword with wide eyes. His hands, which were previously latched onto the flag pole were now up and surrendered. "Hey, Nico..." he managed to squeak out.

Nico only snorted at Percy before turning his head back to Will, a look of victory on his face.

"Thought you could fool me?"

Will felt so dumbstruck, he couldn't say a word.


The blue team ended up winning, much to Annabeth's dismay. But Will didn't mind. He was going to let Nico bask in his triumph.

After an eventful day, Will was walking around camp, with his hands intertwined with Nico's.

"So, did you actually think that tricking me would actually work?" Nico asked smugly with an eyebrow raised.

Will blushed. "Well, I thought it was a good plan at the time," he said looking at the ground. "But now I know not to underestimate you!" He placed a kiss on Nico's nose, suddenly gaining his confidence back.

Now it was Nico's turn to blush. "Oh, shut up." He playfully shoved Will's shoulder with his unoccupied hand. "And you better not underestimate me. I can beat you anytime at anything."

The two strolled off bickering.


A/n: whaddup it's ya boi, crippling anxiety, and this is my first one shot of this book!(Sorry if it sucked but hey, new timer here.)

-Victoria :)

Edit: yeah I'm reading this over and it does suck oops djkdkdkd I promise my writing gets better lol

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