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I awoke expecting to see Kaelin's smiling face but instead I woke up...alone. I sat up rather quickly and it made my head spin. I sat until the feeling was gone then hopped over to my room to get dressed.

I threw on the some gray sweats and a black T if found in my suite case. I quickly tied up my white converse then headed downstairs.

"Trenna, where's Kaelin?" She chuckled then pointed outside.

"With Niall." I thanked her then headed outside. Kaelin was dressed in my Rolling Stones T and some black skinny jeans. She was leaning against the fence while Niall saddled up Henry.

"Hola Harry." Niall said making Kaelin turn around.

"Hi guys." I said joining Kaelin by the fence.

"I'm just strapping up Henry then i'll saddle up Gunner and you guys can ride, while I care for Daisy and the new horse were getting today." Kaelin and I nodded as Niall finished up with Henry.

"Here ya go Kaelin." Niall said handing Kaelin Henry's lead. I watched as she jumped up into Henry's saddle.

"What?" She said then I realized she'd caught me starring.

"Nothing." She giggled then pulled away from the fence. I watched as she gracefully rode Henry and occasionally jumping him and here.

"Harold!" Niall said snapping his fingers in front of my face.

"Yes Neil?" Niall glared at me then quickly went back to his smiling self.

"Gunners ready, here." He handed me the lead then left. I tried my best to get on Gunner as gracefully as Kaelin did with Henry. I heard Kaelin laugh as I finally got on Gunner.

"Kaelin, how do I make him move?" She chuckled then quickly explained how to make him trot, canter, run, turn left, turn right and to go back and fourth. "Okay like this?" I said pulling the rein left to make him go right.

"Good job!" Kaelin said. "Gold star." She joked.

"I'm gunna totally get you for that."I said trying to get Gunner to go to her. I heard a click sound and looked up to Kaelin with her phone out. "What did you just do?"

"I took a picture, Duh." She giggled typing something on her phone.

"Who are you sending it to?" I said finally reaching her side.

"My mum and Cam." I shook my head laughing a bit. "Now, wanna race?"

"Your going down." She giggled.

"We'll see about that."


"I defiantly won." I said as we helped set the table for dinner.

"It was a close call Harold, like a toe." I chuckled.

"A toe is all I needed and I still won!" She gave me a 'da fuck' look.

"That made no sense."

"Yes it did." I argued as Trenna came in laughing. "What?" Kaelin and I said in unison.

"You two sound like my daughter and her best friend."

"Oh so I'm a girl now." Kaelin giggled.

"What's this about Harry being a girl?" Kaelin's dad said.

"Harry's a girl?" Niall chirped as he took a seat across from me and Kaelin.

"No I'm not!" I said crossing my arms, making everyone laugh.

"Dad, where Javelin?" Kaelin asked looking over to her father.

"Down the rode at Samantha's." He said as Trenna placed three plated of food on the table. "Dig in guys, this is your last meal with us till next week." Me and Kaelin didn't shy at taking a huge plate full of food and shoving it into our mouths.

Later that evening me and Kaelin sat on the couch watching Adventure Time and sipping on some juice boxes. Yes, totally kiddy but hey, it's our thing.

"Harry, can I ask you something." I hummed in response. "It mite change our friendship."

"Go ahead." She sucked in a deep breath."

"I know guys are usually the ones to ask but it's eating me alive." I swear I stopped breathing. "Will you be my boyfriend?"


HAHAHA CLIFFHANGER!!!! Wananananahahahhahahahaha! Whelp BYEEEE!

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