Chapter 30: The Moon Lovers

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Tyron POV

After our very happy dinner on our 4th day of vacation, I decided to be alone by staying on the rooftop of the Mansion, thinking and meditating about some things.

Some things in the past.. painful memories and experiences with humans.. that I think I should finally let go now that I have my own and new family to live with.

All of them must be sleeping now on their own respective rooms on the Royal Chamber.

I looked at the moon and tears suddenly went out of my eyes. It is true that night's silence always drew out the most inner feelings we have.

"Sweetie.. what are you doing here? I was worried sick!", said Angelica, wearing pink night clothed and fluffy slippers as she finally found me in this dramatic and emo scenario.

She sat beside me.

"Angelica.", I said as I stared again at the moon. "The moon is very beautiful, don't you think?"

She smiled and also stared at it, "Yeah. I always admired the Moon, like it how it lights everything up when everything is covered by darkness."

"That's right.", I replied. "You know.. I always star and moon gaze when I was a child. I was frequently hated and bullied by all people, except Mom. I had no friends.. I had no bonds at all with anyone. I never even know what a Father's love feels like."

I suddenly cried like a child and Angelica went wiping my tears.

"There, there.", she gently said. "I know you are going through a lot right now. But I am here, as your girlfriend, to hear you out."

"I had always did my best.", I blurted out while crying hard. "But still I always fail to have friends. I am always the bad one. I am always the toxic one. Everyone on the village were saying that I am a wretched monster. It was so painful.. Its just so painful.."

Angelica put her right arm around my body and listened intently.

"This pain of solitude won't just go away.", I cried. "No matter how much I think I have a new family, those painful memories still return to hunt me in my dreams and thoughts at night. That's why I decided to bathe under the moonlight so that I could once again feel the warmth and the feeling that my Mother will always be there, loving me."

"Sweetie.", Angelica said. "I am always here for you. I can be your Moon when no one else can. I will believe in you when everyone in the world has resented you and even when you had resented yourself. I will serve as your sole light and guide in this world full of darkness, despair, and sadness. I will always... and forever love you for eternity. Remember and engrave that to your heart that I love you so much, more than I could ever love myself."

At that moment I cried even more harder.

"I believe that all your sufferings.. all your sadness.. will soon go away.", she continued while hugging me tight. "I believe that your heart will soon be healed not by any amount of Healers in this world but by knowing that there is still so much to live and there's still so much worth fighting for."

Angelica wiped my tears again, "Its okay to cry, sweetheart. It is never a sign that you are weak, but rather its a sign that you are BRAVE enough to admit to yourself that you have feelings and you need someone's comfort and love."

As of this time, I still could do nothing but to let my tears flow. The tears that I had held and endured for the 15 years of my life.

Angelica smiled and pointed out to the moon, "Look, sweetie. How beautiful the Moon is. You know what? You are the Moon of my life! The one who gave my lonely life so much lightness and comfort, as well as being the one who magically changed my entire life into a fairy tail."

I looked at the moon and saw it shining ever brighter on the dark skies, "Can fantasies or fairy tails exist in this cruel, judgmental, and unfair world?"

Angelica answered with her brightest smile, "Of course! I am a living proof that I had now fount the Eternal Fantasy of my life in this cruel world, and that is you, Tyron. Only you. The one and only love of my heart."

I smiled so wide out of happiness, "I am so blessed by St. Michael that I had a perfect girlfriend like you. I can never desire anything and anyone more than this moment and you yourself."

She giggled and held my hand, "As I had said, I will always and forever be by your side. From the moment you wake up every morning and the moment when you have to sleep at night. Now and for eternity."

I gently squeezed her soft and tender hands as we gazed once more on the dark skies and stared at the moon, "And I will always be here for you to love you.. until the last breath of my life and the last beat of my heart. I love you so much, Angelica, my sweetheart."

We stared at each other's eyes for a while and gradually closed them. We made our faces close to each other and kissed softly and gently with our hands tied to each other.

Soon we went back to our room and slept with serene smile on our faces while we watch the light of the moon gradually dissapeared at the window.

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