Chapter 28: Villamore Royal Mansion

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Tyron POV

We are soon teleported to a place that Angelica calls as the 'Tokyo Airport', where she said that the van of Mr. Natsume the Villamore (Queen Cheska's family name) butler.

We had blended ourselves with the humans also strolling their big bags around.

"Wooow! LOOK AT ALL THESE HUMANS NYA~!", shouted Pusheen and the people around us looked. "I REALLY MISSED THEM-OUCH!"

"What the hell do you think you're doing!?", scolded Paxton as he pinched her. "The people are all looking at you like some nya - CIRCUS CLOWN!"

"Sheesh, you don't have to be such a killer joy, idiotic brother.", pouted Pusheen and we continued walking.

Angelica sighed, "Your cats never change at all, Flugel."

"I know right!", said Flugel with such a good mood. "I mean, we've been stuck on that fantastic paradise for too long."

I looked at the others and they seemed to be happy as well.

As we went out of the building, Angelica waved to a man wearing a black coat, pants, and necktie.

"Hey! Mr. Natsume, we're here!"

Mr. Natsume smiled and approached us.

"Welcome to Japan, Mistress Angelica and friends.", he said with a polite bow. Several women in professional clothes came behind him and fetched our bags.

"Woah. What hospitality.", said Rowen amazingly.

"There's a lot more than that!", said Angelica proudly. "They are PROFESSIONAL at Hospitality Management AND they are the greatest bodyguard that the Tokyo University had ever produced."

"Come now, Mistress Angelica.", smiled Mr. Natsume. "There's no need to praise us that way."

"And a plus factor.", Angelica continued with her eyes closed. "They are exceptionally humble."

Soon we went inside a very long van that Angelica called as a "Limousine".

"Just how damned rich is your family, Angelica?", smirked Flugel.

"Well.", she replied. "My Mother's family side, the Villamore Household, is a descendant of the greatest Shogun here on Japan and my Grandpa Jiro is the brother of the President itself. We are, currently, the richest business personalities of the country, as the Villamore family has its own school, Hospital, Beach resorts, Military Basements like the Villamore Air Base on other countries like the Philippines, and lots more!"

We couldn't help but make our jaws drop at how AMAZING their family is.

Soon we drove off inside a very home-like limousine and we helped ourselves on being comfortable.

"This is like a miniature house.", smiled Isabelle as a maid offered her a tea. "I had never experienced so much fun before!"

"It seems like this is a work of Queen Cheska?", asked Eris who were sitting in front of Isabelle on a tea table. The others were lazing on comfy couches.

"You got that right, Eris.", smiled Angelica. "You knew how my Mom designs and build things."

"Well, I am her student so.." Eris blushed.

We heard Sakamachi laughing at his thing that Angelica told me a 'Smartphone'.

"Hey, brother! What are you snickering there at?", shot Sakura and snatched the phone.


Sakura's face went red, "Wh-Wha- you.. illegally took pictures of beautiful women in the Airport!?"

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