Chapter 25: Warmth of a Gentle Kiss

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Tyron POV

After reaching the exit, we saw many people waiting for us on what seems to be a paradise at Heaven itself.

"Welcome back!", they all shouted. I saw Kings David and Ranseim, Queens Cheska, Yuki, and Shana. There's also Flugel and all the Gods and Archangels. They are all applauding us.

Flugel came running towards us, with her face wet of tearful joy of seeing us coming back alive.

"Oh no.", said Angelica as Flugel had body slammed both of us and wailed certain words.

The rest of the Shadow Circle came running to their parents and be with them. I smiled, as when we are inside that dungeon, we have thought about not seeing our loved ones.. ever..

Soon Angelica came to her parents and hugged them.

I felt sad somehow, knowing ho much I miss my Mom already. At least I got to meet her again and knew that she is just doing well.

"L-Lord Apollo..", said Flugel as a very bright light came from the skies and a glowing God came descending.

When he landed, he smiled at me. He has the same hair color as mine.

"Tyron.. I apologize for coming late to meet you. I had been instructed by your Mom.. my daughter.. that I should show myself up when you know the truth after meeting up with her. After all, you wouldn't believe that I am your Grandfather if it wasn't for your Mother's own words."

"", I cried and hugged him. "So I still have a relative.. a blood-related family.. someone that I can hug like my friends."

"Sorry, Tyron. You had to go through all that pain. I know how hard it must have been through for you. But as your Mom herself has told you.. you have a new family to live with, so you must never lose the will to live.", he made me look at everyone while resting his hands on my shoulders.

"My.. family. I swear I will always protect my family, especially Angelica.", I said happily as I wiped my tears away.

"You made us all proud, Tyron.", said Grandpa Apollo. "Keep up the good work!"

He grinned at me brightly and I returned it. Soon we bumped fists together.

"Tyron!", called Angelica while smiling at the distance. They are now going back. "Hurry up! I am already hungry!"

"Lets go, Gramps!", I said and he nodded. We joined them afterwards!


So that day had passed when we had to return to the place of what I could call as my home, the heavenly realm. We returned by walking on the middle of the streets of the Shadow Realm with many people cheering us on. Our group, the Shadow Circle, was the first people ever to clear the shadow dungeon by never leaving even a single demon that we had crossed our paths according to the 4 Heroes of the War themselves.

Right now, what matters for me is that we all came back safe and sound.


"Tyron, what would you like for dinner tonight?", asked Angelica while putting on her apron. We are now resting on our room on the Shadow Palace. We had never been so happy to be back to a place where there is no darkness, despair, fear, and sadness.

"I really would like Mackerel Balls for tonight, Angelica." I smiled at her.

"Mackerel balls? All right then!" she said as she tightened the knot of her apron on her back. "Care to join me on the kitchen to talk about some things?"

"Sure! I'd love to, my Princess."

She blushed and walked towards the kitchen, "You really don't need to have a sweet tongue to capture my heart you know. Just for you to be with me is already enough."

As I watch her prepare some things, I asked her, "Angelica.. is it alright if we have a break from all these fighting and relax somewhere?"

"I had been thinking of that too." She said as she chopped some carrots. "I mean, we already had enough battles on that dungeon, so I think a little relaxation will do and focus on spending time for each other."

I blushed, "What do you mean by each other?"

"Silly boy.", she giggled. "Of course, the two of us, TOGETHER. I wanted to spend more time with you without all these fantasy thingy, I wanted the both of us to live a normal life, even for a short while."

"We'll travel lots of places.", I smiled.

"We'll discover new things, things that I could only do with you.", she returned.

"And create memories that only the two of us can share!", I said as I stood up and hugged her.

"Yeah.", she smiled as she wiped her tears.


We had changed to our night clothes and were now about to turn the lights off, but..

"Angelica, wait.", I said as I walked towards her large piano on the corner of the room. "Would you like to hear a music before we go to sleep?"

"Oh.. Tyron.", she blushed. "And what music will it be?"

"It's named the 'Musician', do you know it? My Mother had made me mastered the notes as both of us loved music. She said that it was always the music that she wanted my Dad to hear someday.. then eventually it became famous."

"Well, your Grandpa is Apollo, also the God of Music.", she said as she joined me on the seat. "You play the notes and i'll sing the song!"

"We're such a perfect duo.", I smiled and put my fingers on the piano. "Well.. let's start."

As my fingers started on playing the notes, I suddenly felt something warm within my heart, especially when Angelica started singing with a LITERAL ANGELIC VOICE.

So the little infant fell into a deep sleep.
Among the grey ashes the flames exhibit life force...First one, then two ...
Making shapes of the profile of your lovely face I miss

The vast land filled with thousands of dreams, dreams

At this moment my fingers could never stop and my heart could never stop falling in love with her even more...

On the night when the silver eyes were trembling, the shining you was born
Across millions of years, no matter how many prayers have already returned back to the ground
I will still continue to pray

Please bestow upon this child your love
Upon our joined hands, leave a gentle kiss

So the little infant fell into a deep sleep.
Among the grey ashes the flames exhibit life force...First one,then two ...
Making shapes of the profile of your lovely face I miss

The vast land filled with thousands of dreams, dreams

On the night when the silver eyes were trembling, the shining you was born
Across millions of years, no matter how many prayers have already returned back to the ground

I will still continue to pray
Please bestow upon this child your love
Upon our joined hands, leave a gentle kiss

I will still continue to pray
Please bestow upon this child your love
Upon our joined hands, leave a gentle kiss

So after the song we worked together, she looked at me with a smile and teary eyes, "Tyron, I am really glad to have met you. I want to stay with you.. and spent all the days of my life with you. From now on, I will take care of you, like you Mother would have wanted me to do."

"Angelica.. that's my line.", I said as we closed our eyes..

And once more, we poured out the warmth of our love to each other by a gentle kiss..

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