Chapter 29: The Jaegers NPC Squad 44's Flight

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David POV

It's already been almost a week ever since Angelica's gang went to the Royal Mansion for some vacation and it seems like we are going to need them soon..

"Honey.", called Cheska as she just picked the telephone on our office. "The Military Forces of the Philippines had responded to our request. This is Jaeger Officer Marcus Xavier of the Neo Philippine Constabulary, their Elite Special Ops."

I took the phone and spoke, "Good morning to you, Sir Marcus."

"A nice day to you too, King David of Shadow Realm.", he replied with his deep and serious voice. "We, the Philippine Constabulary, are very honored to be the representatives of your Human Allies for the Holy War. We wanted to give our sincerest gratitude by sending in our most effective and efficient Elite Soldier Ops called the NPC Squad-44 to Japan Self-Defense Forces and to join her-highness Princess Angelica together on the way towards Heavenly Realm three days from now."

"I appreciate all of your efforts and it is our honor to be able to fight with you, Sir Marcus. I shall assign my daughter Angelica to assist your unit as they return here for the Holy Council Meeting regarding the Rise of Bahamut. For now, I ask you to please fortify your defenses, gather more artilleries and nuclear power for the coming war. Send this word to all Allied Nations of Earth. We must now all prepare.."

"For the.. Rise of Bahamut.", Officer Marcus finished. There was silence for a while. "I understand, Lord David. Rest assured, your Human Allies will do their best to help you save mankind's destiny."

Soon I hung up the phone and sighed deeply on my chair. Cheska came to my side and comforted me.

"Honey.. just a little more, and we can also take a brake from everything.", she said gently while holding my hand.

"All this paper works are killing me.", I said. "I really must get to action soon. These black wings are itching and my thunders are getting rusty."

"I think we'll have lots of time for action soon, honey.", said Cheska with a giggle.

"Anyway, inform Angelica about the matter, honey.", I said as I started on piling some military papers from our allies across the galaxy.

"Don't push yourself too hard, honey.", she kissed me on my left cheek.

"How about some little reward after this, my love?", I smiled at her.

"Sure thing!", she giggled. "I'll be glad to. So finish everything off before 8:00 PM then go to our Royal Room. We'll be having some.. fun. Tee-hee."

"I really want some great meal and a great exercise!", I said while stretching my body.

"Don't you worry, dear. I will make your body so into ACTION tonight. Heehee."

Soon we softly laughed together despite all the problems that are burdening us.

Angelica, do your best out there.


Chloe POV

Sir Marcus had put the phone down and our team gulped, sweating from nervousness.

"This is it, you guys.", he said very seriously. "This will probably be your ultimate mission as Elite Soldiers of the country. You had all been granted the opportunity to be able to go to a place where no ordinary human could ever go. The Heavenly Realm."

"We are prepared, sir!", we shouted.

"Ranger 1st class Chloe Deagle, as the Squad 44's commander, you are in charge of leading your team. Don't let us all down. We are all counting on you, as you represent Humankind's dignity as you go there."

I nodded and saluted, "Sir yes, sir!"

I am a paratrooper / sky diver with dual blades as my specialty.

"Deputy Commander and Ranger 2nd Jackson Mondragon."

"Sir!", said Jackson, a man with brown spiky hair and brown eyes.

"Ranger 2nd Class, Jonathan Faculman."

"Sir!", saluted Jona, a man with black hair, brown skin, and brown eyes. He is a specialist at heavy artilleries, missiles, and laser cannons. He is also the driver of the grand design of our team, the dual engined, heavily armored assault artillery vehicle operator and driver.

"Ranger James Sta. Maria."

"Sir!", saluted James, a red-haired man with golden eyes and white skinned. He is our Bomber and our aircraft pilot.

"Sprite Sabrina Mirasol."

Sabrina fixed her glasses and saluted. She has short brown hair, blue eyes, and white skin. She is our Magician and Healer.

"And finally, Ranger 2nd Class Mariah Cherryl Chua."

"Sir!", she cooly said. Mariah has short black hair, white skin, and piercing brown eyes with her glasses. She is our master sniper.

"The six of you will now be joining the JSDF and meet up with the Dark and Light Princesses, Angelica and Flugelmina on Tokyo City. I wish you all.. the best of luck.", said our leader, Sir Marcus Xavier with his sad, but strong smile.

"Come on, sir! Its not like this will be the last time that we will meet, right?", said James, the man who always cheer the team up.

Sir Marcus cleared his throat, "That's right. But you know what war is capable of. As soldiers, it is not coming back alive our priority. And that is.. TO COME BACK VICTORIOUS!"


Sir Marcus nodded then Lieutenant General Krista Tammy Reyes of the Philippine Marines came inside the briefing room together with Admiral Shaun of the Philippine Navy. Both of them are such of high rank!

We all saluted to them.

"Squad-44 under Chloe Deagle!", General Tammy shouted. "We are moving out! The Heavenly Realm is calling for our assistance and we, as humans, will do our best this time not just for our country, but the world itself!"

"Yes, Ma'am!", we saluted and marched as we hastily followed General Tammy and Admiral Shaun. General Krista Tammy has long, blonde hair tied in a pony tail. Both of us had smooth blonde hair, that's why inside of me, I dream of becoming more like her.. someday.

As we went out of our base on Villamore Air Base, our AC-130 HERCULES aircraft combat vehicle were all ready. James hurriedly went there.

"Move! Move!", I commanded to my team and we went inside of the plane.

Soon we are lifting off and we looked at General Tammy, Admiral Shaun, and our beloved leader, Sir Marcus for maybe the one last time.

As the hatch closed, Sabrina couldn't help herself but cry. "I promise not to let them all down, especially Sir Marcus who have utter and complete faith on us."

I hugged her, "Sab, its okay. I am here for all of you. We shall all come back victorious.. and alive. I swear it."

Because the six of us were now out of our own nest and the time has come for us to take flight into the vast world.

We are The Jaegers NPC, the Elite Special Corpsmen of the Philippines and we are strong not just in abilities, but also our hearts!

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