Chapter 21

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I tried not to laugh as the car with Haylee and the guards pulled away. She had given them quiet the fight. Feisty little thing she is. I smiled thinking of her.

But then I became serious. "We will wait 45 minutes. Then we will attack. Are you ready?" I looked at Jenna. She nodded softly and slowly. "You're going to have to kill someone." I said, still making sure she was okay. "I know" her voice was flat. I rubbed against her and nuzzled her neck. Her fur was so soft, it reminded me of Maddie. 

Maddie.. My baby sister. She was here. I was going to see my little sister. We were going to rescue her. After five years. I was so nervous she'd hate me for what I'd done. It was all my fault. I shouldn- "Stop it Hunter. It's not your fault. You were just a kid too." Jenna whined. I forgot she could hear my thoughts. "I'm sure she still loves you." I sighed. "I just hope she's okay." Then she left me to my thoughts.

It was time to leave, my bones screamed with anticipation. I swallowed and nudged Jenna. She looked so scared. "You can do this. Remember how strong you are now." She looked up at me, her brown eyes shinning. She nodded.

"Ready? One.. two... three! Go!! " We bolted to the rock that was placed over the entrance to the prison. With one hard smack of my paw the bolder cracked in half with a loud noise. "So much for the stealth attack, eh?" Jenna helped me rip off the metal door from its hinges. There was yelling and growling coming from downstairs. A vicious snarl ripped through my teeth as the first guard came towards me. A boy maybe a year younger than me, his expression was almost laughable, I guess that's what saved his life. Pitiful human, I smirked. My paw was almost as large as his torso. With one wack, he flew into the wall, hard enough to knock him out. But not enough to kill him.

I kept moving, suddenly a wolf almost as big as me tackled me, grabbing the back of my neck with his fangs. I heard Jenna yelp. Quickly, I rolled and slammed him into the wall, his teeth still attached to my neck. My body bucked and trashed until his grasp broke. I turned only to be smashed against a wall. Hard. I looked up just in time to see Jenna sparing off with a smaller wolf, similar to her size but slightly bigger. She lunged for his throat, but instead sunk into his shoulder blade, there was a sickening crack and the wolf howled in pain.

Being caught up in watching her I forgot my own attacker, I was pinned to the wall with angry jaws snapping in my face. Because I was bigger I over powered the wolf and threw him off, he landed on his back and my jaws ripped into his stomach, blood covered my muzzle. Jenna was still fighting her now three legged opponent. They circled, and this time he lunged, barely missing her. I jumped on his back and grabbed his neck with my teeth and vigorously whipped my head back and forth. I ripped him up and smashed him into the wall. He lay unconscious on the floor. Jenna looked at me horrified. I swallowed "I will do what it takes to protect the ones I love."

A bullet zipped by my head, clipping my ear. "We have to keep going." Now we had reached the hallway with the doors, there was intense pounding on one and I heard a muffled "HELP! HUNTER HELP ME!" it was Maddie's voice.

"Jenna, you get her out while I hold them off." She nodded and started ripping at the hinges and throwing herself against the door. I turned to see another human holding a gun. This one was about 22, and he didn't look quite as terrified until he seemed to notice the blood still on my mouth. He fired, the bullet went into my shoulder. "Ow, the mother fucker shot me." Guess he thought it looked like a good day to die. I jumped and landed on top of him, knocking him to the floor. My jaws ripped off the hand with the gun in it and threw it away. There was a blood curdling scream. Then I snapped his neck with the swing of my paw. I got off and turned around breathing heavy and ready to kill. I was so angry. Angry at these people. Angry at myself. I looked up to see Maddie with tears running down her face, trembling still in human. And Jenna with her jaw hung open. I realized how terrifying I must have looked. Blood covering my huge furry face, shoulders rising and falling quickly. Adrenaline pumped hard through me. I phased into human form, not caring I was naked. Stepping toward my sister, she took a step back.

"Maddie.. Mads it's me." I slowly reached out to her but the grabbed my shoulder. My hand covered in blood.  "Ow, fuck." Blood streamed out of my injured shoulder. "We need to get the bullet out before you heal." Maddie said softly. She walked over to me, and her fingers brushed my skin, I flinched a little. Putting one hand on my wound, I pulled her into my chest and she burst into tears. "I'm so so sorry. I'm so sorry." I murmured into her hair and kissed her head. Her small body shook with sobs. "I should have never-"

"It's (sob) not (sob) your fault." she said and hugged me tighter. After a few seconds she pulled away. "Now let me fix your cut." She pulled out a knife. My knife. Emerald and jade encrusted handle, and a beautiful blade. I half laughed. "I was wondering where that went." She smiled and dug the blade into my cut, luckily for me, the bullet didn't go in to far. I flinched as she moved the sharp blade. "A little warning would've been nice." I grumbled. "We don't have that much time. and besides, don't be such a baby." she teased. After a minute or two, Maddie pulled the bloody bullet out. "Thanks." I said, and rolled my shoulder.

Suddenly Maddie's eyes grew huge with fright. "Hunter watch out!"


Dun dun daaaaaaa. Make you wait forever, then do a cliff hanger. Yeah I'm a bitch. Love you all <3 :*

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