Chapter 15

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"You'll never guess what I learned about you today." my dad's voice boomed as his eyes burned into me.

"What my name? Favorite color? What I want to be when I grow up?" I snapped. "Because after leaving for 10 years a father forgets those things." my glare matched his. I couldn't give less fucks about what he learned if I tried.

He took a long, quick step towards me. It took all my will power not to jump back, I wasn't going to let him intimate me. "You have no clue about why I left. I had no choice. It's not like you remember anyway." he hissed. "I was seven years old! And you just left me. I'm your daughter for Christ's sake! Maybe if you had taken me away with you and Wonder Boy here, then I would remember. But no. You left me with mom and HIM." My voice broke when I said "him". I swallowed my sob down thinking if what Jake did. My father opened his mouth to respond, but I cut him off.


"My mom was a mess! Yeah, I loved her to death, but she couldn't take care of herself, let alone a child. Then Jake.." I breathed, trying to hold it together. "Jake would hit her. Leaving brusies all over her body. Sometimes making it so she couldn't walk! A-and he'd come into my room at night.. And he'd touch me... And make me do things..I'd cry and scream. He would just put a gag in my mouth, and continue."


One night my mom had gone away to meet with some of her friends so it was just Jake and I home. The night started out pretty normal. Doing homework and listening to music, as usual. My music was too loud, I didn't here him open the door.

"Hello Haylee." his voice purred from right behind me. I jumped and gasped. "Oh hey Jake. You scared me." I pulled my headphones out. He normally just ignored me, unless he was yelling at me for something, or drunk. "Do you need something?" I asked skeptically.

He sat down close to me. Too close. I inched away. "Oh Haylee.. You're turning into a beautiful young woman. Yes very beautiful." he reached up and stroked my cheek with his fingertips. "Uh.. thanks." I moved farther away from him. "And very well developed for fifteen." his eyes roamed over my body that had curves in all the right places. I flushed bright red. "I.. I need to do my homework. So.. uh, if you could leave me alone, that'd be great." I said uncomfortablly.

"Oh I'm not going anywhere princess." he purred, and took a smooth step toward me. I backed up until I was flush with the wall. His fingertips brushed my cheek and ran down my neck. I flinched and stuttered. "P-please stop Jake."

His hand went lower until it found my breast and he squeezed. I squealed, and tried to push him away, but he's about ten times stronger than me. "C'mon princess. I know you'll like it." he whispered before his lips met my neck. Tears cascaded down my cheeks as I desperately tried to push him off my small frame. "Stop fighting or I'll be rough." he bit my neck hard, I took it as a warning.

Slowly his hand crept up my shirt, he watched my face. I flinched as his hand reached my bra. "Jake.. P-please! Don't touch me." I cried. This seemed to irritate him.

Quickly he ripped off my shirt and removed my bra. Instantly I tried to cover myself, but he held my wrist above my head. He just smiled at me as I cried. "Mmm, I like what I see. Now time to take off the rest of your clothes."



"But mom couldnt do anything... He said if we ever told the police that he'd kill us. Mom couldn't leave him because he paid for everything. He was never specific about his job. But as you probably noticed, we were well off." By now tears leaked out of my eyes, and I looked into my lap.

My brother looked horrified. He walked toward me to try to comfort me but our dad stopped him. "What are you doing Garrett?" he asked in a bored tone. "Going to give Haylee a hug? I think she deserves one." he mumbled. "It's her own fault. She should've fought harder." my father hissed.

I was in shock. Absolute shock. This man is a monster. He doesn't feel any remorse for what happened to my mother. Or to me. No wonder mom wanted me as far away from him as possible.

Then I spoke my thoughts out loud. "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU DON'T FEEL A DROP OF REMORSE. YOU KNOW WHAT? I CAN ACTUALLY. BECAUSE YOURE A FUCKING HEARTLESS MONSTER. I SHOULD HAVE EXPECTED LESS, NOT MORE. NO WONDER MOM DID EVERYTHING IN HER POWER TO STAY AWAY FROM YOU. YOU FUCKING ASSWIPE WASTE OF SPACE!" I screamed. As the end of my rant I threw my hands up in the air from fury, and to my surprise, the handcuffs snapped. That was enough to stop me in my tracks. I didn't even have a red mark or anything.

My dad just smiled. "It seems as if you're breaking through the spell." He sounded pleased, all irritation gone. "And oh. By the way, Jake is the wizard who has kept you safe under the spell all these years."


Hey lovelys <3

I'm soooo sorry it took so long! But I'm out of school now (PRAISE THE HEAVENS!!) , so I should be able to update more often.

I hope you guys like it(:

In this chapter I wanted to get across how bad of a guy Jake is.

And don't worry! Haylee's runaway will be coming up shortly (; you'll see how it all ties in.

Thanks for reading.

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Until next time xD

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