Chapter 19

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"Come on, we're leaving now." Garret said, sounded irritated with me already. "You should really work on your patience big brother." I said teasingly. "You're older, actually. By 4 minutes."

"Awwwwww!! I have a baby brother!" I squealed, and tried to pinch his cheek. He was not as nearly entertained as I was. Garret rolled his eyes and slapped my hand away a little harder than necessary. "Ow. No need to be an ass." I grumbled. {"Hey, how are things going?"} Hunter's voice spoke in my head. {"We're just about to leave. I'm going to try and make a run for it, so that my father calls more guards."} I looked around, only three guards were walking with us, not including Max. {"There's three here. And one inside who I'm sure is on our side. A vampire named Ashley."} 

"Hey Gary, where's daddy dearest?" I asked in a sugary sweet voice. We reached a door, and Garret punched in a code, it opened and suddenly we were outside. It was beautiful clearing surrounded by tall evergreen trees, colorful flowers popped out of the ground everywhere, and the most was the sun that was just starting to set. "Don't call me that." Garret snapped. "Oh but why Gary-poo? Am I bothering you? I'm just trying to form some brother-sister bond." I smiled at him. "Shut up Haylee." He gave me a warning glance, I thought about him shoving me into the headboard of the bed, and gave testing him a second thought. {"Garret is so much stronger than me.. What if he catches me while I'm trying to escape?"} I thought worriedly to Hunter. {"Contact your wolf. Being the first born, you are naturally stronger. You probably will not be able to shift, but she will tell your human side what to do. Haylee, go deep down. Into places of yourself you've never explored. Jake is weak, and his spell on you is deteriorating."}

We were almost at the car. This was my last chance to fight, and draw attention. I took a deep breath. If you're in there, I need your help. We may not survive without it. And with that, I turned around and punched my brother right below the belt as hard as I could. Taking him off is feet. I'll pay so much for that once I get caught. I thought worriedly to myself. Before I even realized it, I was running. Running faster than ever. The three guards were already after me, I looked around. The trees! A voice inside of me growled, I knew it was her. Jumping with as much force as I could muster, I sprang half way up the tree and continued to climb. HOLY SHIT! No time for proper thoughts. I looked down and a guard was only two feet below me, I had nothing on these fully grown werewolves. MOVE AROUND, STUPID. THEY'LL CATCH YOU IF YOU DON'T MOVE! 

Wheretogo, wheretogo, wheretogo?! Just as his hand brushed my foot, I sprang to a tree 10 feet away. He followed. I jumped to the ground and broke out in a sprint. Runningrunningrunningrunning. My mind raced, falling into strictly survival mode. Heart beating, muscles pounding. Runningrunningruninng. 

Another guard slammed down from the trees in front of me. "Ahhh!" I screamed, thinking I was about to be caught. Jump, grab his shoulders and push yourself over him, do NOT hesitate. I listened. Running full force at the guard, I jumped at the last possible second and pushed my hands off his shoulders. I flew into the air, flipping around. I literally hit the ground running. And let me tell you, it wasn't as fun as you might think. My sprained ankle throbbed. 

The third guard jumped over the car, and started running full force at me. I stood still. As he was inches away, I moved. He crashed right into the other guard that was chasing me. A victory smile appeared on my lips. Before I  had the chance to form another thought, something hit me like a train. "Ooof!!" All the air was crushed out of my lungs. I panicked and tried to crawl away, I was kicked in the ribs and fell. I grabbed my side, but someone ripped me up by the neck. I dared open my eyes to see my raging father. His face bright red, his eyes burning. I gulped. He is one scary mother fucker, that's for sure. 

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