Chapter 4

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That word ran through my head over and over again as I sat on my bed.


What if he had been following me? And now I brought him to my house?! What if he's a creepy stalker guy? What if he wants to kill my family? And why did he heal so fast? Is he on steriods or something?

I pictured his well defined muscles. He was definitely well built, but it looked natural.

But that look in his eyes... It was so sweet and sincere. His beautiful green eyes looking into mine, and I let my wall down. I couldn't keep it up. I wanted to give him the sincerity he was giving me.

Maybe he was just being nice. Of course, we had only met two days ago anyway...

But everything about him felt so familiar. Like how we talked so easily. Or the way our bodies fit perfectly together when we hugged. Or how when he looked into my eyes I felt he saw everything. Not just the popular girl with weird violet eyes. He saw me.

I glaced over at my clock. It read 3:30. "Shit.." I muttered to myself. I need to get to sleep or I'll be wrecked in the morning. I rolled over and closed my eyes.


BEEP. BEEP. BEEP. My alarm clock went off at 6 a.m. "Ughhhh." I rolled out off bed and rubbed my eyes. Then the pain hit me. "Ouch!" I rubbed the side of my jaw. "What the-"

Suddenly I remembered. Jenna's father hitting me. Hunter saving me. Me agreeing to trust him.

"Ermm." I groaned and got out of bed. I walked to my closet. I really didn't feel like putting much effort into my outfit today, so I grabbed a pair of yoga pants and a plain white tank-top.

I gasped as I looked in the mirror. There was a huge bruise on the side of my cheek and jaw. I grabbed my cover-up and hoped no one would notice it.. I left my hair down and let it fall in my face hiding the bruise a little more.

Someone knocked lightly on the door. Who could it be this early? I opened the door a little bit and was surprised to see Hunter standing there looking sleepy. He was so cute when he was sleepy with his hair slightly messy..

Stop staring. I mentally slapped myself. "Um, hey. What are you doing here?" I asked. "I came to drive you to your car, remember?" he said through a yawn. "Oh.. Yea. I'll just go grab my bag. Come on in." I closed the door behind him.

I walked into my room and grabbed my bag. "Okay, we can go now." I said and I tucked my hair behind my ears. His features turned hard as he stood up, and walked toward me. I took a step back and became pressed to the wall.

"Hunter, wha-" he touched my cheek, and my breath caught as tingles spread. I guess the cover-up wasn't helping too much... "I shouldve killed him. Doing this to my- I mean, someone as sweet as you."

I blushed and said "I'm glad you didn't kill him. He may be a no good dirtbag, but Jenna needs him."

Just then I heard Jake stumble down the stairs. "Hey not-so-perfect anymore! Where are you?" he slurred. "Hunter we need to go. Now." I started to push him toward the door as Jake tripped down the last few stairs. "Ah fuck!" Jake muttered. "Hunter, lets go!" I whispered and pushed him outside and quickly closed the door.

We hopped in his car, and he started to drive. "Was that your father?" Hunter asked softly. "No. That's my stepfather, Jake." I said, looking out the window. "Oh."

The rest of the ride was silent. When we got to Jenna's house, her fathers truck wasnt there. "That's weird." I said getting out of his car quickly. I knocked on her window and waited for a minute. "Hmm, I guess I'll just knock again." I said to Hunter, trying to keep the panic out of my voice.

"Psst! Jenna." I knocked again. No answer. "Jenna!" I called louder. Freaking out a little. I felt Hunter's hand on my arm. "Its okay, she's probably just in the shower." he said. "No. Jenna is never late." I said, pulling away from him and knocking loudly on the door. "Jenna!" I yelled. "This is all my fault! I knew I shouldn't have left her father. He was so angry!"

Still no answer.

I put my hand on the doorknob. It was unlocked, not a good sign. Jenna's father never allowed the door to be unlocked. I walked quickly into the living room, the coffee table was knocked over and there was a lamp on the floor.

Tears were streaming down my cheeks as I ran into her room. There was blood. Blood on her door. Blood on the walls. Blood on the floor. I fell to my knees, sobbing.



DUN DUN DAAAA! Where is Jenna?! And why is there so much blood?! What will Haylee do?! :O Drama drama drama

I'll probably be updating more because I can do it from my phone now! :D But I can't do bold or anything :/ So look for more updates coming soon! I was just re-editing all my chapters, so they should be better now :)

Read, vote, and comment? You know the drill ;D Thanks guys :* love ya!

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