Chapter 11

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I woke up to rough hands grabbing me and yaanked me out if bed. "Jake, what the fuck?" I screamed. Someone put a gag in my mouth as I squirmed on the floor. A pair of lips came right to my ear. "Be quiet princess. I don't want to have to hurt you."

That voice was not Jake's. I started to panic, and thrash out of the arms of this man. Shoving him away, he grabbed my wrists and twisted them painfully behind my back. I whined in pain through the gag. "But I won't hesitate to if you don't cooperate." he hissed in my ear as he tied my hands together. Tears streamed down my cheeks. "We have to go before your mate senses your distress." the man started to shove me out of my room.

My mate. Hunter. Then it struck me. When I was in trouble before he said he had senced it, and he had saved me. I focused all my energy on Hunter, wishing and hoping he would show up.

"Get in the car." he demanded. I shook my head, trying to stall for more time. The man shoved me. "I said get in the fucking car!" he yelled. I cringed as he put a blindfold around my eyes, and he buckled me in. "My boss wouldn't like it if you were too beat up when we arrived." he grunted.


I woke up to a feeling of distress. Tossing and turning still half asleep. I closed my eyes again, then it hit me hard:


I bolted upright out of bed and threw on some clothes, and running to my car. It was pouring rain. I swear, if Jake so much as laid a finger on her, so help me god.

Driving like a mad man, I made the normally 30 minute drive to Haylee's house in 10. As soon as I stepped out if the car, a scent his me.

Male werewolf.

I growled and slammed my car door shut. Running up to the door, I knocked loudly three times, tapping my foot impatiently. After about 45 seconds I opened the door, and used my werewolf speed to get to Haylee's room. I smelled blood, but I instantly knew it wasn't Haylee's. Pushing open her door, I saw it was empty. There were signs of a struggle. A lamp was knocked over, and her blankets were thrown on the ground. A growl erupted in my chest. I took a deep breath, and smelt blood again. My nose led me upstairs and into what looked to be the master bathroom. Slowly I opened the door. I gasped at the sight.

In the bed was a small, beautiful women. Her hair was black, and contrasted her milky white skin. Big eyes filled with terror were frozen on her face.

A slash so fine, that you wouldn't be able to see it if it wasn't for all the blood was across her neck.

I recognized the woman in bed. The woman was Haylee's mother.


"We're here princess." the man said, stopping the car. I heard his door open and slam, then he opened my door and took off my blindfold.

This was the first time I had ever really seen him. He has black hair and has a soft jaw with a sexy stubble. His lips were a perfect shape, and color. If I had never met Hunter (easily the hottest guy to grace the earth with his presence), I'd be drooling by now. Then I noticed his eyes. My eyes. Copied exactly. I gasped, and looked him over again. It's not everyday you meet someone with dark violet eyes with gold specks. Now that I thought about it, he resembled my mother a lot.

"Who..? Who are you?" I managed. He just looked at me with blank eyes. "The name's Garret. Now come on." he pulled me out of the car. I stood still. "Your eyes.." I started. "I can't believe you don't remember me." he said quietly. I met his eyes which looked hurt. "Who are you Garret?" I said evenly.

"I'm your twin brother."


Woahhhhh. I did NOT see that coming. Haha xD

I'll try to update soon. Tell me whatcha think.

Love yooooooouuu

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