Chapter 18

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The shower was wonderful. The hot water relaxed my muscles, and my ankle was starting to feel better. I washed my hair with strawberry shampoo that smelled amazing. I almost had forgotten that I was locked up by my insane father. Almost. After 45 minutes, I decided that I couldn't put it off anymore. Tonight was it. I have to meet the High Council, impress them, and get on their good side before midnight.

Because at midnight, Hunter and Jenna will be breaking into this prison. They'll break into Maddie's cell first, that way she can help in the fight. They've made it clear that they will kill if they have to. Hunter said that we should take Jake with us, so we can find out about the spell that's on me. He must be weak because some of my powers are already starting to show through. I looked down at my hands and squeezed them, trying to feel my strength. It didn't feel any different. I looked at the gold handle on the edge of the tub. I slowly reached out and grabbed it. With one hand wrapped around it, I gave it a tug. Nothing happened. My eyebrows furrowed and I took a deep breath, this time pulling harder. There was a loud cracking sound, my eyes widened at the crack in the tiles. Well... I thought, Looks like no one will be screwing with me anytime soon. 

I jumped at the knock on the door, "Haylee? Are you ready for me?" It was Ashley. "Uh yeah, come on in." I pulled the towel around me. She was carrying a medium sized bag that must have held makeup, and a long bag that was holding a beautiful purple dress. "To match your eyes." Ashley said with a smile. "It really is a beautiful dress." I said to her. "Thank you, I made it just for you." 

In front of a large vanity mirror there was a stool wear Ashley led me. I sat down and she started on my makeup. I didn't allow myself to enjoy the pampering as Ashley blow dried my hair and painted my nails. I had a mission tonight. And I have to stay focused. I thought about what I was going to do. Okay Haylee, don't stress. You can do this! ...  Who am I kidding? I've never been in a fight in m life! Except defending myself from Jake. I shuttered at the memories. {"Hey Hunter..?"} I called out to him mentally. {"Yes beautiful? How are you? Is everything okay?"} His voice in my head calmed me. {"Yes... Well no. I have no idea how to fight these guys. I can barely even throw a good punch! Hunter, what if this doesn't work? What if you get caught? What if Jake isn-"} Rambling on until his voice cut me off suddenly. {"Haylee. Take a deep breath."} I did. {"You are going to be okay. Try to contact your wolf. She will know what to do."} 

Try to contact my wolf? Ring-ring, Mrs.Wolf? You in here? {"This is NOT the time for sarcasm, Haylee."} Whoops. {"You weren't supposed to hear that.. I'm sorry, but I really just have no idea what I'm doing."} I could almost sense his eyes rolling. {"Just take a deep breath and look into yourself. She's been locked up for 17 years. And she still has some chains to break. She's a fighter, just like you."} I smiled at his last comment. 

"Okay. Now, look at you!" Ashley squealed. I looked in the mirror. "Wow." I was breathtaking. Not to be vain, but I already knew I was pretty. But with Ashley's help, I was just... Wow. My long hair was up in a bun with a few escaping curled pieces to frame my face. Dark eyeliner with small wings, light silver eye shadow, and dark, blood-red lipstick. My dress, which I didn't;t even notice had been put on me, fit perfectly. The sweetheart neckline flowed gracefully into the fitted waist, which cascaded to the floor, pooling around my feet. It was the exact unique shade of my eyes. 

"Thank you Ashley, for making me look like a queen." I smiled at her, and she beamed back. "Well, you are going to be the queen soon enough. Once your father's plan is completed. Might as well look the part."  She giggled. I gulped, and looked away. "No need to be nervous about tonight. You are irresistible." Her hand landed on my shoulder, it was freezing. I shrunk back. Her bell-like laugh rang out again. "I'm a vampire dear, haven't you noticed?" Oh. Duh. Beautiful, graceful, did everything with ease, and ice cold. How did I not catch that? "Of course," I laughed nervously. "It just surprised me, that's all."

There was another knock on the door. "Hello? Girls it's almost time to leave." Max called. My chest tighten with fear. Deep breath Haylee. You can do this. I smiled at Ashley, and walked toward the door. "Oh! One last thing." Ashley grabbed my arm, and slipped a small bottle into the top of my dress. "Wha-" 

"Shhh. It will force you to change, use it when the time is right." She said impossibly fast, and impossibly quiet. "Your perfume!" She said loud enough for Max to hear. She sprayed it over me lightly. "There. Perfect. Goodbye Haylee, have a wonderful time." She smiled and winked at me. 

As I walked out the door, Max's eyes widen. I blushed. "Careful there Max, that is my sister." Garret said. I turned and saw him leaned casually against the wall. "Oh, fantastic.You're here." I said, rolling my eyes and giving him an obviously fake smile. "Hey now, come on. It's not MY fault you jumped out of the window." He laughed, I glared at him. "Shut up. Let's get this show on the road." I shot bitterly. "I thought all pretty girls were nice." He said grumpily. "And I thought brother's were supposed be mean. Hmm." I heard Max try to hide a chuckle with a cough. Garret shot him a look, obviously, to be quiet frank, tired of my shit. 


Hey look, I'm back! 

Miss me? I missed you!!

This is only the beginning. The next part is going to be FULL of action. I promise. And I'll try to make it long. 

I'm really really sorry guys. :'(

I'll try to be here more full time. 

What do you all think of Haylee's attitude? I like it. Cracks me up. Hope it's not just me!!

Anyway, soon soon soon. I promise.

P.S- The picture is Haylee's dress

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