Chapter 13

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My father. I couldn't believe he was here. Right in front of me. And I hated him.

All my life I had dreamed about if my father was actually alive. This isn't anything like I had imagined.

This monster had kidnapped me, and killed my sweet, beautiful mother. He disregarded her life like it was nothing. He's wrong. She was my everything. My only family. My mother. And I love her with my whole heart.

"She was just in the way Haylee. Never was anything special. Lower than even humans." The word human rolled off his tongue in disgust. That's when I lunged at him, but my human reflects were no match for his werewolf ones. He threw me against the wall, and when he reached for me again, he stopped in his tracks.

"How can this be? You and your brother were supposed to be the most powerful wolves in existence! Twin wolves unlock certain powers that no one else can. With my blood line mixed with you mothers, no spell should have been able to do this!!" he roared, I shrunk back against the wall. His body turned and his arm struck like lightning into the wall, leaving a hole. I screamed and pushed further away. Garret grabbed me and stood in front of me.

"She's only human dad. Be careful." he warned. Now I was confused. What's with his mood swings? Nice, mean, abusive, now protective?

Our father took a deep breath trying to calm down. He looked over at me, his eyes were black. I swallowed and hid myself more behind Garret. "Take her to her room, and make sure she doesn't escape. I need to find out how this is possible." and with that, he walked away.

Once he was out of sight Garret took me upstairs and into a bedroom. It had light purple walls with some pictures and a mirror hanging. A silver lamp hanging from the ceiling, and a twin size bed that was chocolate brown. Overall it was very nice. My eyes strayed to a big window that look fairly easy to jump out of...

"Don't even think about it." Garret growled, and pulled a pair of hand cuffs out if his pocket. He pulled me over to the bed and grabbed my wrist, cuffing me to the bed. So much for escaping.

"I'd probably just break my leg jumping, being a fragile human and all." I spit at him. He just rolled his eyes and kept quiet as he locked the windows. Then I remembered something. "What is mom's bloodline..? Dad said something about her being lower than a human, but still powerful." Garret turned to face me. "How can you be so naive? You lived with her your whole life, and you don't know? She's a fucking vampire! Well half vampire, that's how her and dad had kids. Also that's how Dad managed to kill that bitch." He spit. I struck out, catching him off guard and slapping him in the face, hard enough to leave a red mark. "She's not a bitch! She was the sweetest women ever! But you wouldn't know because you were swept away with Dad for werewolf training or whatever." I roared, tears steaming down my cheeks. Garret jumped and slammed me into the headboard, making my head smash into the metal part. Hard. I cried out in pain, and felt blood start to drip.

"You don't know anything! She only cared about her 'precious little princess'. Not about me! She just left me with him. Let him take me away from you and her. Sh didn't even care! You had the perfect family life! Even had a stepfather to take care of you! I had Dad. Sometimes. I pretty much raised myself. And when he was around, he only told me how much if a failure I was, and that that's why mom only wanted you!" he screamed in my face, then he jumped up and ran his fingers through his black hair that matched mom's in frustration.

Now I was crying harder. For Garret, for my mom, for the pain in my head. I reached back with my hand that wasn't cuffed to the bed and tenderly touched the back of my head and winced. When I pulled it away, there was blood.

"Oh shit! Haylee, I'm sorry. I- I didn't mean to! I forgot how much stronger I am then you. I- oh fuck.. Let me get you a cloth and some ice. Fuck fuck fuck." he disappeared out of the room.

I cringed at the throbbing in my head. While waiting for Garret to return, my thoughts wandered to Hunter. I sent him another cry for help, hoping that it worked.

Garret burst into the room with his hands full. "Here, put this on it." he handed me a damp warm cloth. "Open." he put some pills toward my mouth. I knew better then to just take random pills. "What are those?" he rolled his eyes at me. "Advil." After examining the pills for a second, I opened my mouth and he put them in my mouth and raising a cup of water to my lips. I swallowed, and kept pressure with the cloth on my head. "Once your head stops bleeding, I got you some ice." he gestured to an ice pack on the end table. "Thank you. Even though it's your fault." I grumbled. "I'm sorry. Really. I didn't mean to, I wasn't thinking." he sounded sincere. Again with the mood swings.

"How long am I going to be stuck here?" I asked, trying not to cry again. "I don't know Lee." I looked at him confused. "What did you just call me?"

"Oh... I, uh, called you Lee. That's what I used to call you all the time when we were kids. And you called me Gar-Bear." a small smile appeared on his lips. "We both hated the nicknames, but neither of us were willing to stop before the other."

I smiled at him. "Tell me more about when we were little, Gar-Bear."


Aw, a cute moment between Haylee and her brother <3

I hope you guys like it!!

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Comment <3 <3 I love comments. Haha

And I'm still looking for someone to make me a cover. Pleaseeeeee!

Thanks for reading :)

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