Chapter 14

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It's been two days since Haylee was kidnaped. Two. Fucking. Days. I was close to loosing my shit. Not to mention I'm traveling with a new werewolf. Jenna is trying her best, but she refuses to hunt animals so we have to stop and change into human form every so often to get her some food. Eventually she'll let her instincts take over. Let's hope.

Jenna's wolf was just as I imagined. A small wolf with curly, off-white fur, and big doe-brown eyes. One of the cutest things ever. She barked a laugh as she heard my thoughts. I rolled my eyes and nipped her playfully. Being around her was hard, because I'm such a big wolf, and an up-coming Alpha made me easily twice her size. But Jenna was anything but intimated by me. Firey little thing she is.

The scent of the rogues was hard to follow. They were smart and usually would go through a body of water, erasing the scent. Which in turn made it extremely hard to locate the scent on the other side. They aren't getting away this time. Not again. I WILL save Haylee, and hopefully find Maddie. Even if it kills me.

Focusing on tracking, I tried to blank everything else from my mind. I felt the soft damp ground of the forest floor under my massive paws. I saw every little detail of each tree, flower, insect. Looking for something that didn't fit, and would lead us to the rogues.

I sniffed deeply, and cringed as I inhaled the scent of the rouge who had been in Haylee's mother's room, and in Maddie's room. He smelt of hate, bitterness, and pine sap.

My pack and I had always just ignored rogues and let them keep to themselves. That all changed when my sister was kidnapped.


"Hunter! Hunter you're home!" she yelled as she ran into my arms. Her mess of blond curls bouncing as I picked her up. She had only been nine and I was thirteen. "Hey beautiful. I missed you too." softly I kissed the top of her head.

You could say our relationship wasn't like other brothers and sisters. We got along great for the most part and rarely fought. When she had nightmares, she'd come into my room, and I'd tell her that I would never let anything hurt her. She was my everything, and I was hers.

But I failed her.

That night Maddie came into my room after what I thought was another nightmare. The last few nights she had been coming to my room, saying a man came into her room and watches her while he thinks she's asleep. I assured her it was her imagination. Once she was soundly asleep in my bed, I kissed her cheek and climbed out of my window to met my friends for a party. Being a thirteen year-old boy, there wasn't much on my mind besides girls, and popularity.

By the time I got home it was around 3:30am. As soon as I climbed in my window, I smelt something funny, but brushed it off. I climbed into bed, but there was something missing. No Maddie. Quietly I tip-toed to her bedroom and opened the door. This time the scent hit me stronger and I knew something was wrong.

I ran down the stairs flipping on lights, not caring if my parents woke up. "Maddie! Maddie where are you?" I yelled. Within a minutes my parents were beside me, and in-between sobs, I told them what had happened.


It's been five years since then, and I still blame myself. If I hadn't gone to that party, if I had checked her room like she asked.. She would still be with us.

My mother told me not to think like that. It could happen to anyone, and we had no way of knowing.

But it didn't happen to anyone. It happened to Maddie.

I was lost in thought until I picked up a scent. THE senct. It was recent, maybe an hour or two old. I howeled and started to run, with Jenna trailing right behind.


"Okay so, Mom left Dad after she figured out that Dad only married her for her genes so that they could make us?" I asked, still slightly confused.

"Yes." Garret nodded. "And what are we exactly?" my brows knit together in confusion, and Garret took a deep breath. "Dad is a full-blooded werewolf. Full bloods are rare, and more powerful than half breeds. Mom was a half breed vampire, which allowed her to have some human qualitys, such as having children, eating human food and having a beating heart. Her vampire qualities were her senses being 100 times stronger than a human, increased healing rate, super speed and strength, and drinking blood. Even though she could live off blood she usually ate human food. So, with their abilities and powers combined, we are basically vampires who can shift into werewolves. We have the supernatural qualities if both, but also a small amount of human. Our human blood makes us able to age, have children, and be killed, just like Mom." Garret explained for what seemed like the 1000th time in the past few days.

"Also, our vampire blood makes us faster, stronger, and smarter then the averaged werewolf. By a lot. You haven't noticed because someone has screwed with your powers. But Dad will find out. He's not letting you go until he does." I squinched my face in annoyance. All I want is to go back to school an see Gabby, Angela, and Dylan. They are probably worried sick by now.

And Hunter. Oh how I wished I could see Hunter. His cute crooked smile with one dimple. His gorgeous emerald eyes. His pink oh-so-kissable lips. I pictured him in my head and smiled.

"What are you thinking about?" Garret asked. I opened my eyes, not remembering closing them in the first place. "Oh nothing." I replied casually. "Don't lie, you don't just smile like that for nothing." he challenged. Sighing, I answered him. "I was just thinking about Hunter." I mumbled. "Your mate?" Garret frowned, me having a mate had ruined his and dad's little plan. "Yea.." I looked away, and out the window.

Just then, the door swung open. Who else would be standing there, but my father? I rolled my eyes at his stupid smirk, and went back to looking out the window.

"You'll never guess what I learned about you today." he said, his voice dripping irritation.

This should be good...


Hey guys! Sorry it took so long, I had this HUGE ASS project that I needed to work on, so I wasn't able to write.

So do you guys understand what Haylee and Garret are? If not I'll try to explain more.

I hope you liked this chapter(: for some reason I liked writing it. Sorry if there are a lot of mistakes, I'm sooooooo tired.


@reddwarf15 - he's new to wattpad and is writing some pretty awesome stories, check him out!!<3

@kiralikespenguins - she made me this AMAZING new cover that I love.

As always, thanks for reading and voting(: And I'll be giving sneak peaks to the person/people who give the best comments, so if you just can't wait, comment it up!!

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