Chapter 16

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I growled as I paced back and forth in the steak out area Jenna and I had picked. We had been waiting here since last night for any sign of someone or something going in or coming out of the tunnel which the scent had led to. After much discussion, Jenna and I decided it probably wasn't safe to go down there. I mean, it was a hidden hole in the middle of the woods that we followed a murderer/ kidnapper. Who knows what it led to, or what was down there?

My patience was wearing thin. Something from that tunnel was pulling me. The pit of my gut demanded to go down there. But my brain said to wait. If Haylee is what I think she is, they'll never kill her.

When sniffing around I had caught a wiff of Jake's scent, but for all I care, he can rot down there. Something told me he isn't the only one locked down there.


"Don't get your hopes up." I told myself. "She could be.." I stopped mid-sentence. My wolf whined at the thought. Maddie could be dead, and I needed to prepare myself for that. Jenna rubbed up against me, and gave me a reassuring look.

"Everything will be alright." she said telepathicly through our wolf bond. "Thanks Jenna. I hope so."

Just then the wind blew and Haylee's scent filled my nose. My wolf was ecstatic, and wanted to run right to her. But there were other smells in the air. The two scents that had been in her house the night she was kidnapped. I froze. Jenna and I crouched in our hiding place. With the wind blowing, and both of them in human form, hopefully our scents will go unnoticed.

"Where the fuck are you taking me?" I heard Haylee grip. "We're going to teach you a lesson and put you somewhere you won't even have a chance of trying to escape." a voice so evil, it made my blood run cold, but Haylee didn't seemed phased. I make a mental note to never piss her off, she's a feisty little thing. "All I did was jump out the window! And you saw how well that worked." she grumbled. "Ouch! Damnit! Would you stop pushing me so fucking fast? Short legs over here, not to mention the SPRAINED ANKLE."

"Would you shut your damned mouth already?! You're like a chipmuck. Small, but you have a big mouth..." this voice was different from the first. That's when they came into view. "Well, sor-ry." the amount of attitude she packed into those two words was shocking. "We can't all be freakishly tall like dad. I was obviously built like mom. Seems like I got her brain too.... Seeing as I'M the only one around here who seems to be SANE." Her voice cracked slightly when she said 'mom', but she carried out the rest of her rant.

The way she was talking sounded like she was talking to a brother.. And dad? I thought her dad was dead.. My thoughts quickly changed as I took in the looks of the people with her.

The two men with her, practically dragging her through to woods. Were obviously related. The one on the right was probably in his mid-fortys. He easily reached 6'3, and was well built, with auburn hair that was combed back. His facil features were similar to Haylee's but hardened. He looked ready to strangle her. I struggled to contain a growl when I saw how tight his grip on her was. From my best guess, this man is her father. "Just shut up Lee. Before-" the younger one spoke, causing me to look at him. "Before I lose my patience." her, whom I guessed was her father growled fiercely.

Haylee opened her mouth to say something, then thought better of it. The other man with her seemed about the same age as Haylee, seventeen. His hair was black and wavy. Just like Haylee's mother. His build was similar to the father, tall and built. He had a slight 5 o'clock shadow, and his eyes were the exact shade of Haylee's. He must be her brother.

Haylee was doing a good job hiding it, but she's terrified. I could feel it in my bones. MATE NEEDS YOU. MATE NEEDS YOU. My instincts screamed. I wanted nothing more then to run and grab her. But the two of them looked powerful, and I can't risk Jenna getting hurt.

She scoffed from behind me, and I gave her a silencing look.

"Garret, open the door." the father said. Haylee's brother, who I now know is Garret, bent down and picked up a stone bigger then Haylee and moved it to the side. "Holy shit!" Jenna thought at the smart time Haylee said it out loud. Garret laughed and said, "You'll be able to do that too once we get that spell off you. Having your twin near you amplifys your powers. And for us, that's both our vampire, and werewolf powers."

I knew it! I knew Haylee was extremely strong! And I knew her mother had smelt weird, but I hadn't paid much attention to it at the time. Her mother must have been half vampire.

Garret bent down again, this time he seemed to be punching in a code of some kind. After about three minutes, a door popped open. Their father walked over and led Haylee down the steps. "Oh by the way, Jake is down here." I felt her fear sky rocket.

"Don't worry Haylee. I WILL save you." I sent it to her through our mate bond, and hopefully she got it.

I turned to Jenna. "We need a plan."


"Don't worry Haylee. I WILL save you." Hunter's voice rang in my head. "H-Hunter?" I tried tentatively. Hoping I wasn't just and idiot talking to myself. "Hey baby, Jenna and I are outside. We're going to get you out. We're making a plan right now. Are you okay? Are there any other guards down there?" His voice answered, I looked around, there were about ten different rooms all connected to one hallway. Each door had one guard. "I'm fine. A little bruised an shaken, but I'll be okay. There are ten guards down here Hunter.. All of them look pretty jacked. How's Jenna? Is she okay? Does she like being a wolf?"

"Hi Hails. I'm great! Don't worry about me. We'll come rescue you. Just like you rescued me." Jenna's voice said softly, and I couldn't help but smile.

"Hello Max." My father said as he stopped in front of the last door in the hall. "Sir." Max bowed his head. "This is my daughter. She is to share a room with your assignment. Tomorrow around six I will be here to pick her up. Make sure Ashley has her cleaned up and dressed by then. She is going to meet the High Council. So it's in your best interests not to let me down." my dad growled the last part. "Of course sir. Everything will be perfect." Max said and he opened the many locks on the door. I tried as best I could to replay the conversation for Hunter.

"We'll make our move when you get to the meeting. It'll be like a social party at first. Be on your BEST behavior until then. Give them no reason to be suspicious. Right when then party is at it's highest, you'll ask to go to the bathroom. And we'll work from there." Hunter explained to me. I guess I'll get to use my acting skills, I thought grouchily to myself.

Then my dad pushed me into the room, and I saw Garret give me an apologetic look. And the door slammed. "See you tomorrow sweetheart." my dad said bitterly through the door. I turned around and looked at the room. Concrete floor. Pale blue walls. No windows. Two cots. One other girl.

She was dirty, skinny, and very weak looking. I walked over to her slowly, her dull green eyes met mine. "Hi, I'm Haylee." I said softly, crouching in front of her bed. She pushed her straight blond hair out of her face. I couldn't deny her resemblance to Jenna. Besides their eye color, and Jenna's hair is ringlet curls, they are about the same. Petite, athletic frame. Blonde hair. A small, rounded nose. And a sprinkling of freckles across the cheeks.

"I'm Maddie."


Hey guys! I can't thank you enough! Almost 2,000 reads!!! Woot-woot. Haha(:

This chapter was probably pretty boring... Sorry. But the next few should be better!

I'm thinking about breaking this book into two parts. Not necessarily two books, but like, part one, and part two. Tell me what you think..

Thank you again, for reading and voting, and commenting, it means a lot<3

I would really LOVE if someone could give me some feedback, it doesn't even have to be positive. Tell me what I can improve on(: I want to make the readers happy!!

So, until next time loves <3

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