Chapter 5

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The smell of blood filled my nose as we entered Jenna's bedroom. I was fighting to keep myself in control.

I never fed on humans, but it's been a long time since I've been exposed to so much blood.

That's when I noticed Haylee crumpled on the floor, sobbing. I walked over and gathered her in my arms. "We'll find her." I murmured into her hair.

Seeing her so sad broke my heart. I could feel her pain though our bond.

The bond she didn't know of yet. But I knew she felt it too. The way her body fit perfectly to mine. The calming feeling that washed over us when we touched.

Every part of me was screaming "MATE!". I struggled to keep my wolf from taking over every time I saw her.


I was sitting in my car after helping the middle school soccer team. And seeing HER.


I smiled as I pictured her perfect face in my mind. Her hair was long and fell in perfect waves falling to her waist, with bangs that framed her face. Those lips were full and naturally red, giving me a powerful need to kiss her. And then her eyes.

Her eyes are the most beautiful I've ever seen. A lovely shade violet with flects of gold. I could stare into them for all eternity

My thoughts were cut shot when suddenly I was hit with a terrible feeling. My wolf was going crazy. "MATE IN TROUBLE." I growled and started my car.

I drove like a mad man following my instincts. I saw her car parked outside a small town house.

I pulled up just in time to see a man back hand Haylee across the face. That's when I lost control.


It was a good thing she was there. I would've killed that son of a bitch if she hadn't.

She was still crying on my shoulder but I could feel she was calmer. I wiped a tear from her cheek and she looked up at me. Giving me a soft smile she said "What do we do now?"

Good question. I could easily track Jenna by sniffing the blood and letting my instincts take over. Even if they had gotten in a car. I was born with extremely good tracking skills.

But that would freak Haylee out, and I wasn't sure if she could handle it right now in her fragile state.

Her touch on my face pulled me out of my thoughts, she looked up at me with a questioning look. "Um, we should go to the police first." I decided.

Later. Later is when I'll tell her. I won't tell her that we're mates. Not yet.

"Okay." she wiped her eyes and we walked out to my car. I drove as fast as I could without scaring Haylee, with as much blood as there was in that room, Jenna couldn't be very well off.


I was surprised at how calm I was sitting in the police station. Hunter hadn't let go of my hand since we got there, and I was greatful for his touch.

Hunter did most of the talking since I couldn't without crying. He'd rub my back, or squeeze my hand when I did. It took everything not to just fall into his arms and stay there, he gave me a calming feeling when I was there.

I drifted in and out of paying attention. They told us that they'd do what they could to find her as soon as possible.

Hunter said he'd take me home, but I really didn't want to be stuck with Jake like this. I'd probably lose it. "Well, um.." he scratched the back of his head. "Do you have somewhere else to go?"

I thought about it for a second. I could go to Gabby's or Angela's, but they would ask to many questions.

I sighed in defeat. "I guess not.." looking down at my lap. "You could, uh, come over to my house? Just for the night.. if you wanted?" he asked softly, and blushing.

I smiled at him. "That could work." He beamed at me.



Sorry this is kind of short. I am writing in the car.

But how do you guys like it??(: Did you like Hunter's point of view? He's a werewolf if you didn't catch that...

There will be more details on it in the next chapter or two.(:

Vote, comment, message!! :D

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