Chapter 12

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There was no need to rush to her side. She was already dead. Haylee's mother's throat had been cut, obviously by an expert. The cut was clean, and deep.

A scent in the room was different then the one down stairs, but not by much. Both were male werewolves, they smelt related. I took another deep breath, filling myself with their scent and then howled. How could I not have recognized this before?! This scent is the same that we found when Maddie was kidnapped. Whoever this is, they are not going to get away this time. They are going to pay. With their lives.

My murderous thoughts were cut short by the sound of my phone ringing. "What?" I snarled into my phone. "Hunter hunny, Jenna is awake. She's afraid, and asking for Haylee." my mother's quiet voice spoke.

Shit. I had forgotten all about Jenna. This was going to kill her, Haylee's mother was like a mother to her. "Have you explained everything to her?" I jumped in the car and started to drive home. "Only a little, mostly just that she's safe and that she can live with us from now on.Also I told her she went through some changes in order to live. I left the details for you to explain." I thought for a moment. There wasn't really anytime for me to explain or help with Jenna. I need to find Haylee. "Mom.. I can't really deal with this. My mate has been kidnapped by the same rogues that took Maddie, and her mother has been murdered. I need to find her. For Jenna, I will stop by the house and tell her she's safe, but I need to go."

"What?! How can you be sure it's the same? Did you call the police to deal with the mother? What are you going to tell Jenna? How dare they take the upcoming Luna!" My mom was frantic.

"I'm positive its the same mother. I'll tell Jenna some of the truth." I said calmly. "Don't worry, I'll be home soon." My phone closed, and I focused on driving so I could double the speed limit without crashing.

Once I got home, I sprinted to Jenna, following my nose. As I stepped in the room, she looked up and her eyes met mine. "Hey baby girl." she smiled lightly when I used Haylee's nickname for her. Her curly blond hair was shining, and her skin was a flawless milky white. Jenna's small body had changed and was now toned, and built slightly different.

"Hi Hunter. Where's Haylee?" Her voice was strong and clear. Much different from the last time I heard her speak. My mind reeled as I tried to think of an excuse. Her eyes met mine again. "Don't bother lying. I already figured out that I have the power to know when people aren't telling the truth. I figured that out with your mother when I asked if I was still human." Jenna said seriously. I swallowed.

This is going to make things difficult. "She.. um. Haylee was kidnapped. And her mother was murdered." Jenna's face fell, immediatly tears fell down her cheeks. "Not Avery. She was such a good person. Who would want to hurt her?" then she gasped. "Jake. It had to have been Jake! And he took Haylee? I'll kill him of he so much as harms one hair on her head!" Jenna yelled, I could see her wolf rising to the surface. "No it wasn't Jake. I'm positive. But I have no time to explain now. I need to go find Haylee. You can stay here with my parents." I stood up, getting ready to leave. "No! You can't leave ne here. There is so much I still need to know, and Allie said you would tell me." Jenna grabbed my arm.

"Allie?" I gave her a confused look. "Oh, I mean Alana. Your mother. I just thought that Allie fits her more. Alana gives me the impression of a little sluttly rich girl. Your mother is more of a beautiful, kind woman." I laughed. "Well, what do you want to know? Make it quick." I sat back down. "What am I?" she stared intensly into my eyes, seeing if I was going to lie. Taking a deep breath, I spoke.

"You're a werewolf."


"You're a werewolf."

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