Chapter 3

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As I drove Jenna home, Hunter was the only thing on my mind.

Maybe I will become a an assistance coach for Jenna's team... Not only will I see Jenna more, I'll see Hunter. Maybe he'll take his shirt off in practice and then I'll see his rock hard abs and- okay I need to stop fantasizing.

I dropped Jenna off and told her dad where she had been. He never seemed to be mad when I explained to him whenever she got home. I'd seen the way he looked at me.. "Hey pretty lady, wanna come inside?" he asked. I shivered as his eye traveled down my body. "Um.. ah.. no thanks. I, er.. have a project to work on?" I said uncomfortablly, looking away. "Oh come on.. Stay a while." he went to touch my arm but I shifted away smoothly. "Dad. Leave her alone." Jenna said from behide me. "Shut up, you little bitch." he snapped. Grabbing her injured wrist and pulling her inside, causing Jenna to yelp in pain. "Hey!" I yelled. "Don't touch her like that!" I pushed him away from her and stood infront of her.

As he walked toward me, I had never been so scared in my life. He raised his hand to hit me, as a car pulled up in the drive way.

I guess Jenna's father didn't notice and he back-handed me and I fell to the ground. "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOURE DOING?" A familiar voice boomed. Someone bolted past me toward Jenna's father. I heard some thudding and Jenna's father cursing.

I sat up and turned toward the door and I saw someone on top of him slamming their fist into his face over and over again with amazing speed. My vision was still a little fuzzy so I couldn't really make out who it was. He had hit me in the same place Jake had.. What the hell is with this? Ive never been hit before, and today I get two backhands? I rubbed my eyes and blinked a few times.

"Hunter!" I screamed as I realized it was him. I ran over and tried to pull him off Jenna's father who was already brusied and swollen from Hunter hitting him. "Hunter you're gonna kill him!!" tears streamed down my cheeks. Thinking I was about to witness a murder. "Please!" he turned to me and his eyes turned soft. "Haylee.." he touched my cheek. Tingles spread out on my cheek where his finger tips brushed. "Are you okay?"

"I- I'm fine. But what are you- how did you know where I was?" I asked. "Doesn't matter." he said, looking down. I gasped as I saw his hands. "Oh my god! You're knuckles are bleeding.." I ran my fingers over his wrecked hands. He pulled them away quickly. "I heal fast Haylee. Don't worry about me."

He turned back to the dirtbag that was Jenna's father. "If you EVER touch Haylee or Jenna like that again, I will make sure there is no one here to save you" his voice gave me goose bumps. He walked over to Jenna and handed her a piece of paper. "That's my number. If you ever need me. Call. Do NOT hesitate. Okay?" He looked into her eyes. "O-okay" she gave him a small smile, then suddenly hugged him tightly. "Thank you for saving her." tears streamed down her cheeks. "I'll always protect her." he said, hugging her back. The sincerity in his voice made me shiver again.

Did we really only meet yesterday? It seems like I've known him my whole life. Everything about him seems so familiar... So perfect..

Wait. I'm fantasizing again. He probably doesn't feel the same way. He only said that for Jenna.

"Goodbye Jenna. Come on Haylee." Hunter said walking toward his car. I hugged Jenna and whispered in her ear "Be careful baby girl. See you tomorrow."

Hunter opened the door to his car for me. His sleek black convertible, with leather seats and- I stopped before I started to drool.

I started to get in then realized, "Wait! I need my car." I said. "I'll pick you up tomorrow morning and drop you off here and then you can drive Jenna to school in your car." he said like he had it all planned out already. "Oh, okay. Thank you." I breathed. "Thank you for saving me too." I looked into my lap. "No problem Hails." I smiled when he used my nickname.

Then it donned on me. I cleared my throat. "How did you know I was there? And how do you know my nickname?" His hands tighten on the steering wheel. "Just leave it, Haylee. It doesn't matter." he said softly. "Yes it does! I mean, were you following me or something?"

He took a deep breath. "No! You just.. You wouldn't understand..." He looked so torn up. I put my hand on his arm. "You can tell me anything Hunter" I smile at him. He sighed and gave me a soft smile. "Thank you Haylee. But now is not the right time.. You wouldn't- couldn't understand!" His knuckles were white on the steering wheel. "How can you be so sure?! And I could have sworn your knuckles were swollen and bloody. Why are they fine now?" I almost yelled. This was too weird. "I said you wouldn't understand!" he yelled back. I shrunk back in my seat. "I- I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell.. it's just.. not the right time. You have to trust me. Okay?"

And for some reason I did.



Okay, so what do you guys think? What's up with Hunter :O he's acting strange.. but its good he saves her ^_^ he's like a Knight in shining armor!! Haha, anywho read, vote, comment? <3 Thankxxxx

Runawayजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें