+More British Slang

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British -> General English

I'm dying for a slash -> I have to use the bathroom / I need to pee

I didn't have the bottle -> I didn't have the courage (to do that)

My old man said to me... -> My father said to me...

I don't give a monkey's what you do -> I don't care what you do

That cost 3 grand -> That cost 3 thousand pounds ($4,500)

You warm the cockles of my heart -> I feel warm inside!

That story tickles me, it does -> I find that story amusing

You don't half tickle me -> I find you amusing

Does this tickle your fancy? -> Would you like this?

Oy! Jack it in! -> Stop that!

It's a hard job. I have to grin and bear it. [22] -> I have to put up with it.

Cor blimey, guvn'r -> said to be an abbreviation of 'God blind me'.

Did you see that bloke/geezer? [19] -> Did you see that man?

That film/book is the dog's bollocks -> That film/book is excellent

What's your crack? -> What's your story? (comes from craic, Irish for good times)

Do you fancy a fag? -> Do you want a cigarette?

Shut your gob/trap/cake hole! -> Close your mouth!

Keep your trap shut! -> Keep your lips sealed!

I'm gobsmacked/flabbergasted! -> I'm astonished/speechless!

My mate half-inched it -> My friend stole it

You jammy beggar! You lucky bleeder -> You lucky thing!

That flannel is really manky! -> That small towel/face cloth is very dirty!

That bloke is well minted! -> That man is very wealthy!

Did you nick that out of my bag? -> Did you steal that out of my bag?

I was down the Nick the other day -> I was round at the police station the other day

I'm absolutely knackered -> I'm tired out (may come from knacker's yard: where old horses were taken)

Get on with yer! There's nowt wrong with yer, my young fella me lad! -> Get away! There's nothing wrong with you!

Did you get owt while you were shopping? -> Did you get anything

We had some argy-bargy this morning -> We had some trouble

He argued the toss -> He argued loudly

I pinched it off me mate -> I stole it from my friend

I should have gone out last night, but I couldn't be arsed -> I couldn't be bothered

This punter came into my shop -> This customer came into my shop

I'm going to see a man about a dog -> I'm going to a meeting or the bathroom

I'm going to the little boy's room -> I'm going to the bathroom

Paul McCartney is a Scouser -> Paul McCartney comes from Liverpool

I'm shagged out -> I'm very tired

I'm shattered -> I'm very tired/exhausted

Look at his shiner! -> Look at his black eye!

Don't slag him off -> Don't be critical of him

He had the screaming abdabs -> He shouted a lot

We bought a house with all mod cons -> with all the fixtures and fittings

I've been all over the shop -> I've been looking everywhere

This holiday has gone all to cock/pot -> It has all gone wrong

Is that book any cop? -> Is that book any good?

Any road up... -> Anyway...

Would you like a sarnie? A cake? Whatever takes your fancy -> Would you like a sandwich? A cake? Whatever appeals to you

I don't give a monkeys what you think [5] -> I don't care what you think

When we divorced, my wife took me to the cleaners [9] -> When we divorced, my wife got a very large settlement

Blinking heck, what are you playing at? [14] -> Heck, what are you doing?

That deal sounds a bit dodgey to me -> I think that deal could go bad

You need to buck up your ideas, young man -> You need to pull yourself together

I was pipped at the post -> I was narrowly beaten

When we were young we went out on the nick -> [18] -> We went out to steal

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ILY <3

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