Chapter 22

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After the boys left I went upstairs were Lilly was and told her everything, SHE FREAKED OUT.
"Omg it's totally a DATE." -she said
"Nah, I don't think so" I said
L - "Are you BLIND?? He's a fool for you!" I rolled my eyes, I couldn't believe it, I think i'm more like a litype sister to him..i love him tho..
Then we went shopping to buy tonight's outfit.
She's literally more crazy than me at shopping and for clothes!
"It's not a date" I kept telling Lilly but she wouldn't listen.. oh well
We got into this fancy shop and all I can say is these dresses are gorgeous and hella expensive
"Lilly let's go to some other place, this is too expensive  I said
L- "Don't worry I'll pay"
M- "No, you can't, you already did too much for me let's go, I dont deserve it, I haven't found a job yet.."
Lilly begged me but I still said no although I had an eye for this beautiful caught my eye when we were passing by, I stared at it for a lil and then we went to another place.
We searched up for the perfect dress for about 3 hours but couldn't find a non expensive and pretty one...
I sudjested to return home.
"I will wear something I already have, it's okay Lilly" I said kinda upset...
I went to my room...and there was it...the dress of my dreams I saw earlier with a note saying "You'll look great, see you tonight -D♡"

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