chapter 20👀

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I woke up and sat up immediately regretting it, my stomach and arms had bandages around them and I was so soar, just as I layed back down Ian came in with a tray the contained of fresh bandages and food.

I smiled weakly at him signaling him I was awake "oh your awake" he said shocked "yep and soar as sh-" "ah language Hanna" he lectured "sorry mom, anyway how long was I out" I asked "oh about two days" he responded casually, "I came to replace your bandages and see if you were up" he added.

"Well I am" I joked weakly "heh here's some food, you can eat it after I change your bandages" Ian said "ok" I replied.
I lifted my shirt up (obviously not above the breasts, using pervz) Ian slowly unwrapped the bandages and threw them on the tray.

I sucked in a breath and looked down, there were three large gashes in the center of my stomach, I groaned Leaning back "I'm going to kill her" I mumbled as Ian redid the bandages.

"Now for your arms" he said unwrapping them, thank god they weren't as bad as my stomach, just scratches and bruises. Ian quickly did those up.

"Am I aloud to go downstairs?" I asked "you should eat but I'll let you go down to show everyone your fine" he responded helping me up, I groaned "everyone is here from our pack" "yep every one that cares" he mumbled "so everyone but mila and ivy" I said walking down the stairs with Ian behind me.

As soon as I stepped down the last step into the living room everyone one stared at me in shock, "I'm alive" I said trying to break the silence, jace rushed at me but I stopped him pulling up my shirt to show the bandages, "oh yeah sorry" he mumbled.

I sat down on the couch groaning from the pain, "are you ok?" Jada asked frantically "yeah I'm fine, just some scratches" I said waving my hand in The air "that's a bit underestimated" Ian said coming up behind me "you got dat right" I said leaning back.

"Why didn't you fight back?!" Jace shouted with a sudden change in mood, talk about bipolar, "cause that 15 year old bitch wasn't gonna get to me" I growled "yeah well you were unconscious for two days! You could've died!" He shouted tears forming at the tips of his eyes.

"Think about, your being selfish" he added  "how the hell am I being selfish?" I asked "if you died I would have no one to love" he whispered, "Oh jace i-" I never got to finish he ran out the door and as soon as he did I stood up.

"FUCK!" I screamed kicking the coffee table managing to flip it over, the rest of the pack stood there in shock, they usually expected this from jace, a few went out to look for him actually.

I paced back and forth cussing under my breath as my pack just stared at me, "get out" I growled "No" they all responded "get the hell out and go look for your alpha that's an order" I said louder, they all exited accept for one.

Jacob. "Did you not here my damn order" I growled "yeah I did but you need to calm down" he said crossing his arms, I super sped and had him up against the wall in a matter of seconds "young rookie did you not hear me" I growled in his ear, "he pulled me closer whispering in my ear "I'm most certainly not a rookie" he then pushed me against the wall, I winced l, there must be a scratch on my back.

"I don't play around luna" he whispered seductively, "mm I know" I whispered back, "your mine one day" he said nipping at my ear the disappeared. I started cussing again think of the alpha "I caused this" I whispered again and again, over and over before I punched a whole in the wall, yeah it hurt badly but I say it was worth it. Sorta.

My knuckles instantly bruised and started bleeding, I smiled a bit before heading outside to help my pack, as in yell a them and be mad. Typical me.

I got out and saw them all in a group including jace who had Ian comforting him cause he was, crying no way the tough alpha Jace was crying, holy carp I did this, I feel terrible oh no this is my fault, I whine inside my mind.

I inwardly groaned then headed his direction, he saw me and instantly ran towards me picking me up by the waist and spinning me, "Gah I hate you sweetheart" he whispered jokingly, "awww I hate you to baby" I joined in, I saw from behind me that Jacob was glaring at Jace.

I asked jace to set me down and headed towards Jacob, when I got to him he brighten up a bit, I hugged him and he was hesitant before hugging me back,I heard a growl from behind me but didn't mind, Jacob was my friend and Jace didn't get to choose that.

Well snap, who do you ship with Hanna? Ian, Jacob, Damon and jace are our contestants Comment your ship.

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