chapter 7🍴

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I took my hand back and stepped back "Vampire" I muttered again, he took a step forward and clicked his tongue "now Hanna is every vampire you meet bad?" He said, I thought of Marina and shook my head no.

"Hah that's what I thought, c'mon honey you seemed lost let's help you find your lost puppy Jace" he says winking at me and slipping a piece of paper on my bag before super speeding me over to where jace was about to drink a blue colored drink.

"I wouldn't drink that if I were you" Damon's  seductive voice said, jace  snorted before setting the glass down "ugh like I'm gonna have some vampire tell me what to do" "alright turn into dust for all I care" Damon says winking at me afterwards.

"Jace, the drink, it uh turns you to dust" I half whisper loud enough for him to here, "Huh so now your taking the vampires side, you vampire loving jerk" he spits with acid in his tone.

I crossed my arms before saying "your drunk jace" "so what, can I not be am I not allowed to be?" he snorts, I turn to Damon and away from jacd and Ian who were drunk, "Damon could you take me outside and leave me there I need some fresh air" I ask "sure" he replies before speeding me out there than leaving.

Outside it smelt like cigarettes, huh a break from the alcohol smell. I breathed in the semi fresh air until I heard a flashing movement.
"Damon?" I question.

Suddenly I was pinned to the wall "nope even better" I recognized that voice, "Ian please leave me alone your drunk" I whisper to him, in all honesty he scared me.

"Why not something better" he says pulling at the hem of my dress "how about no... HEY GET OFF ME NO" I shout midway sentence when his hand traveled.

In a split second he was off me and Jacob was there snarling at Ian who had now gotten up, both of there eye sets yellow. "Guys.." I say cautiously but it was of no use within seconds they were both giant wolves there clothes lay strewn in a pile.

I watched in horror not able to move or speak until I screamed when one of there claws nicked me but a giant wolf claw nicking someone is like getting cut with a knife.

I started yelling for the alpha yelling for my friends... for anyone to just come out and help suddenly there was a young boy about my age outside, he had really bright eyes one green one blue, his hair jet black and ruffled he was white with freckles and was in no shoes.

"What's going on?" He questions in a harsh voice, I flinched at the ice in his voice and he said more gently this time "what's happening, and no bull crap" he said his eyes flashing yellow.

I started to explain to him what had happen and he simply nodded at the end before turning to the giant wolves fighting in the cold dark day while it was drizzling.

I watched as the black haired boy went up to them and yelled, his voice cracking a bit but it got the boys to stop.

"Alright now I command each of you change back now, Girl close your eyes" I did as he said and when he said it was ok I saw Jacob and Ian standing there fully dressed with no shoes and wounds.

"Alright now you guys will go back in that building, no more drinking and you guys will be respectful" he yells at them. They both nod and head back in.

"How'd you do that?" I asked "simple magic of being a powerful werewolf" "I smiled through the rain, thanks" "no problem, what's your name?" "Hanna, and yours?"
"Alex Fairchild"

"Huh your name sounds so, familiar"

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