Chapter 13😈

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I blushed a ton when I realized it wasn't his wallet, he just smirked still having me against the wall I tried to pull away knowing his vampire lust kicked in and he really had no control but he just grabbed my sides pushing me against the wall again.

He was panting looking at me up and down eyes redder than ever (see how our eyes turn yellow vamps turn red.)

"Argh your so tempting" he grumbled pressing me harder into my blue bedroom wall, I groaned "I can make your moan louder then that" he whispered in my ear.

"Damon" I warned again, his fangs got longer as he got closer to my neck I felt his breath hitting my flustered skin as a chill ran down my spine.

The tips of his fangs touched my neck and I jumped a little startled "is vampire biting a sexual thing" I whispered jokingly.

He laughed a bit I could feel it on my neck before the teeth sunk into my lower neck, I moaned in surprise, it only hurt a little bit.

fuck all the stories you heard, werewolf blood isn't poisonous to vampires it's really good to them.

a little Blood dripped down my neck and he licked it making sure it didn't get on my shirt.
It sent a shiver down my spine and he seemed to enjoy making me cringe so he bit harder.

I grabbed onto his waist for support of the sudden twist and he pulled his fangs out of my neck licking the excess blood up before speaking,"it's usually sexual."

I giggled a bit and he smiled.

He dropped the smile his eyes glowing bright red again looking at my lips.

I tried to protest saying "no Damon I have my alpha" but he wouldn't listen his vampire side is taking him over, he smashed his lips on mine before lowering his mouth and biting my lip getting blood from it before going back to my neck.

He was hungry I could tell probably starving himself of blood it wasn't helpful of me cause werewolf blood is ten times more seductive then other.

He bit really savagely trying to get as much blood as he could, pulling me closer gripping my waist tightly pulling me against himself.

(Damon pov)

I can't stop her blood is unlike any other werewolves it's nicotine i need more.
I bit the same spot hard going deeper and I heard her moan again gripping my shirt.

Yeah she had an alpha, so what she's not cheating, I'm taking her blood and she's surprised but not protesting I thought to myself.

I pushed her further to the wall pushing my self against her trying to get more blood as she gripped my shirt.
I looked lustfully at her lips again and the rest of her body for other biting spots.

I spotted the top of her shoulder and moved towards there but she stopped me "Damon I can't have a bunch of bite marks all over me, I'm fine if your feed but still I have a crazy alpha."

"Oh fine" I grumbled going back to her neck.

(5 minutes later) 

I was full of her sweet blood lying on her floor waiting for her to come back from a shower and managing her wound.

She came back with a medium sized bandaid on her neck and her hair wet, she was on her phone texting when she looked up at me, "you should leave, Jace will be back soon and I need to hide your scent of you being here"
she said.

"Ok bye" I said winking before jumping out her window.

(Hanna pov)

I rolled my eyes after he jumped out like a weirdo, but on other matters I had to bind his scent.

I took out a bottle of some vanilla smelling perfume I never used and sprayed some on myself and walkthrough me room putting a fan up afterwards to take out some if the vanilla smell.

No it isn't that other smelling bull stuff, it literally smells like vanilla extract.

I heard the front door open 10 minutes later and I ran down the stairs to see jace smiling at me. I hugged him glad that he was safe, "any luck" "nope none at all" he huffed.

"Jace don't turn into a moody teen on me don't do it" I warned him
He just kissed my forehead laughing a bit before heading to his room probably to chill, I was bored so up followed him.

How was this interesting mind fuck chapter?
Bcvcgbdhbdhb I'm Gay -Jada
Omg I thought you only typed in a bunch on random letters -Author

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